[macports-ports] branch master updated (7c6d2b3c5dd -> 7d9d84305dd)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Fri Sep 6 13:39:19 UTC 2024

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 7c6d2b3c5dd gnome-terminal: update to 3.38.3
     new ee5465bd1a7 R-blavaan: update to 0.5-6
     new bb21b8c05bd R-caTools: update to 1.18.3
     new 89aa475ff73 R-ccaPP: update to 0.3.4
     new 3c0defde237 R-cpp11eigen: new port
     new b8d3cb99da6 R-DRDID: update to 1.1.0
     new 2fc47833700 R-garma: update to 0.9.22
     new 6651c740075 R-GDPuc: update to 1.0.4
     new 1ba16ebb860 R-gsignal: update to 0.3-6
     new a229bfae4ef R-gstat: update to 2.1-2
     new df46d591371 R-gtsummary: update to 2.0.2
     new 6e55b1ef9b3 R-hetGP: update to 1.1.7
     new 1c6c48f555f R-hexbin: update to 1.28.4
     new 46b604ec802 R-hhsmm: update to 0.4.2
     new 0d99e99e41e R-matrixStats: update to 1.4.0
     new 5acc008862d R-microbenchmark: update to 1.5.0
     new 6964c7892d4 R-migraph: update to 1.4.2
     new 7904c053cfe R-PNAR: update to 1.7
     new 9b3f9995d9a R-reticulate: update to 1.39.0
     new a337392c3e5 R-RobExtremes: update to 1.3.1
     new 92ea3082197 R-Rssa: update to 1.1
     new 3579f23b448 R-scoringRules: update to 1.1.2
     new e7c5a924388 R-see: update to 0.9.0
     new d6757740d0c R-seededlda: update to 1.4.1
     new de8ff1ac10f R-segmented: update to 2.1-2
     new 2a12b53bc98 R-spacetime: update to 1.3-2
     new 7a151c5a250 R-spatstat.Knet: update to 3.1-2; R-spatstat.univar: update to 3.0-1
     new 1f38eea39c5 R-stan4bart: update to 0.0-10
     new a0ffc6c0305 R-SVDNF: update to 0.1.9
     new 7d9d84305dd R-trajectories: update to 0.2-9

The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 R/R-DRDID/Portfile                              | 10 ++++---
 R/R-GDPuc/Portfile                              |  8 +++---
 R/R-PNAR/Portfile                               | 12 ++++-----
 R/R-RobExtremes/Portfile                        |  8 +++---
 R/R-Rssa/Portfile                               | 16 ++++++-----
 R/R-SVDNF/Portfile                              | 14 +++++-----
 R/R-blavaan/Portfile                            | 10 +++----
 R/R-caTools/Portfile                            | 15 ++++++-----
 R/R-ccaPP/Portfile                              | 13 ++++-----
 R/{R-cpp11armadillo => R-cpp11eigen}/Portfile   | 16 +++++------
 R/R-garma/Portfile                              |  8 +++---
 R/R-gsignal/Portfile                            | 17 ++++--------
 R/R-gstat/Portfile                              | 14 +++++-----
 R/R-gtsummary/Portfile                          | 11 ++++----
 R/R-hetGP/Portfile                              | 10 +++----
 R/R-hexbin/Portfile                             | 11 ++++----
 R/R-hhsmm/Portfile                              |  8 +++---
 R/R-matrixStats/Portfile                        | 15 ++++++-----
 R/R-microbenchmark/Portfile                     | 14 +++++-----
 R/R-migraph/Portfile                            | 31 +++++++--------------
 R/R-reticulate/Portfile                         |  8 +++---
 R/R-scoringRules/Portfile                       | 12 ++++-----
 R/R-see/Portfile                                | 15 ++++++-----
 R/R-see/files/patch-no-qqplotr.diff             | 10 -------
 R/R-seededlda/Portfile                          | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-Makevars.diff         |  7 -----
 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-atomics.diff          | 11 ++++++++
 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-fix-finding-TBB.diff  | 23 ++++++++++++++++
 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-use-right-prefix.diff | 11 ++++++++
 R/R-segmented/Portfile                          |  8 +++---
 R/R-spacetime/Portfile                          | 29 +++++++++++++++-----
 R/R-spatstat.Knet/Portfile                      |  8 +++---
 R/R-spatstat.univar/Portfile                    |  8 +++---
 R/R-stan4bart/Portfile                          | 12 +++++----
 R/R-trajectories/Portfile                       | 23 +++++++++++-----
 35 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)
 copy R/{R-cpp11armadillo => R-cpp11eigen}/Portfile (60%)
 delete mode 100644 R/R-see/files/patch-no-qqplotr.diff
 delete mode 100644 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-Makevars.diff
 create mode 100644 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-atomics.diff
 create mode 100644 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-fix-finding-TBB.diff
 create mode 100644 R/R-seededlda/files/patch-use-right-prefix.diff

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