[MacPorts] mark modified

MacPorts Wiki noreply at macports.org
Mon Sep 16 17:14:51 UTC 2024

Page "mark" was changed by markemer
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/mark?action=diff&version=15>
Revision 15
Index: mark
--- mark (version: 14)
+++ mark (version: 15)
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
 = Mark E. Anderson
 == About
-Mac and MacPorts user since 2003 and 10.3/10.4
+Mac and MacPorts user since 2003 and 10.3/10.4 PPC
 Member of the Apple Developer Program, currently testing **macOS 15 Sequoia Betas**
 Find me on GitHub as [https://github.com/markemer markemer]
+== Priorities
+I'm looking to clean up and modernize the guide at: [https://github.com/markemer/macports-guide-adoc-dev markemer/macports-guide-adoc-dev]
+In addition I am working on an Xcode 1.1 portgroup that will build Workspace Projects, Run Cocoapods/SPM/etc, and deal with various signing nonsense
+Because of the below, I'm also looking into a binaryonly portgroup for some systems, which is something I've been talking about for years.
+If you find any of this interesting, please reach out.
+== Current Port Problems
+* iTerm2, 3.5.4 will not build easily using our current methods, and while systems as far back as 10.15 are supported by the binary, you can only build on the latest a lot of the time.
+* Io does not support arm64 upstream
+* geda-gaf appears to be in a bit of a bad state upstream, with the website going down now and again
 == Ports Maintained
 * [https://ports.macports.org/port/iTerm2 iTerm2]

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/mark>
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