[macports-ports] branch master updated (033a7fec76f -> 5ccfee3b54f)

Herby Gillot herby.gillot at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 16:44:42 UTC 2024

Herby Gillot (herbygillot) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 033a7fec76f mise: Upgrade to 2024.9.5
     new 3313da27264 R-bartCause: update to 1.0-9
     new 406d1a5bdfa R-BAS: update to 1.7.2
     new 404ecb1d563 R-bvhar: update to 2.1.0
     new bdc28c57f8a R-bWGR: update to 2.2.10
     new 7e53e931ece R-CFtime: update to 1.4.1
     new 21fb994c7e8 R-distributional: update to 0.5.0
     new 1526ea358e6 R-distributions3: update to 0.2.2
     new fdb3a5bcd57 R-e1071: update to 1.7-16
     new 6e869b2222d R-easyanova: update to 11.0
     new a0416027290 R-epiR: update to 2.0.76
     new fe900a78b46 R-fabletools: update to 0.5.0
     new a93a0298bb9 R-feasts: update to 0.4.0
     new 16b26ff4f97 R-fHMM: update to 1.4.1
     new 2fa43fc5a6a R-glmm.hp: update to 0.1-5
     new 6b8477d038c R-LBI: update to 0.1.4
     new 910cf1c69e5 R-LMest: update to 3.2.2
     new 8d4206076fb R-mixAK: update to 5.8
     new caa633506e5 R-modelbpp: update to 0.1.5
     new c53b35110fc R-multinma: update to 0.7.2
     new 135762ff60b R-nanotime: update to 0.3.10
     new 08a2ded4fe4 R-patchwork: update to 1.3.0
     new 1b73c0a73ba R-pbdZMQ: update to 0.3-13
     new b8655b23f6c R-pks: update to 0.6-1
     new 24d057f7932 R-pls: update to 2.8-5
     new a998384fab4 R-RcppFastAD: update to 0.0.3
     new a596d600eeb R-rjson: update to 0.2.23
     new ff607586288 R-sandwich: update to 3.1-1
     new 5ccfee3b54f R-sbm: update to 0.4.7

The 28 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 R/R-BAS/Portfile                                | 17 +++++---
 R/R-CFtime/Portfile                             | 11 ++---
 R/R-Ecdat/Portfile                              | 26 +++++++++++
 R/R-Ecfun/Portfile                              | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/R-LBI/Portfile                                |  8 ++--
 R/R-LMest/Portfile                              |  8 ++--
 R/R-PoissonBinomial/Portfile                    | 33 ++++++++++++++
 R/R-PoissonBinomial/files/patch-fix-prefix.diff |  9 ++++
 R/R-RcppFastAD/Portfile                         | 14 +++---
 R/R-TRAMPR/Portfile                             | 19 ++++++++
 R/R-bWGR/Portfile                               |  8 ++--
 R/R-bartCause/Portfile                          | 10 ++---
 R/R-bvhar/Portfile                              | 12 ++---
 R/R-distributional/Portfile                     | 15 ++++---
 R/R-distributions3/Portfile                     | 27 +++++++-----
 R/R-e1071/Portfile                              | 10 ++---
 R/R-easyanova/Portfile                          | 12 ++---
 R/R-epiR/Portfile                               |  8 ++--
 R/R-fHMM/Portfile                               | 11 +++--
 R/R-fabletools/Portfile                         | 13 +++---
 R/R-feasts/Portfile                             | 12 ++---
 R/R-gk/Portfile                                 | 26 +++++++++++
 R/R-glmm.hp/Portfile                            |  8 ++--
 R/R-mixAK/Portfile                              | 13 +++---
 R/R-modelbpp/Portfile                           | 13 +++---
 R/R-multinma/Portfile                           | 10 ++---
 R/R-nanotime/Portfile                           |  8 ++--
 R/R-patchwork/Portfile                          | 15 ++++---
 R/R-pbdZMQ/Portfile                             |  8 ++--
 R/R-pks/Portfile                                | 12 ++---
 R/R-pls/Portfile                                |  8 ++--
 R/R-rjson/Portfile                              |  8 ++--
 R/R-sandwich/Portfile                           | 13 +++---
 R/R-sbm/Portfile                                | 10 ++---
 34 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 R/R-Ecdat/Portfile
 create mode 100644 R/R-Ecfun/Portfile
 create mode 100644 R/R-PoissonBinomial/Portfile
 create mode 100644 R/R-PoissonBinomial/files/patch-fix-prefix.diff
 create mode 100644 R/R-TRAMPR/Portfile
 create mode 100644 R/R-gk/Portfile

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