January 2025 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jan 1 07:09:30 UTC 2025
Ending: Fri Jan 31 23:01:14 UTC 2025
Messages: 1299
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python portgroup: set default version to 313
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xorg-libxcb, xorg-xcb-proto: update python variants
Joshua Root
- [MacPorts] Python modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pnpm: Update to 9.15.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: viu: Update to 1.5.1
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-six: update to 1.17.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-humanize: update to 4.11.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg7: remove conflict
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-psycopg2: update to 2.9.10
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: barman: use python313
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: virt-manager: use python313
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: samba4: use python313
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: safeclib: update to 3.9.1
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ampache_browser: update to 1.0.8
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-argcomplete: update to 3.5.3
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xray: 24.12.31
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg: add conflict for ffmpeg-devel
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oniguruma6: update to 6.9.10
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vrc-get: 1.9.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-guide] branch master updated (52b8941 -> ab01fd2)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-guide] 01/02: startupitems: use consistent indentation for examples
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-guide] 02/02: startupitems: add startupitem.logfile.stderr
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: byacc: update to 20241231
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jsoncons: update to 1.0.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uacme: update to 1.7.6
Łukasz Krawiec
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: audiowmark: update to 0.6.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.0
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-datetime-format-flexible: update to version 0.37, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ack: update to v3.8.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ae8ea5baba7 -> 521539816f4)
Mark Moll
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-pync: drop py38 subport, add py311, py312, py313 subports
Mark Moll
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-pygccxml: update to version 2.6.1, drop py38 subport, add py313 subport
Mark Moll
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-pygccxml: update to version 1.8.7, drop py38 subport, add py313 subport
Mark Moll
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xfig and fig2dev: update to 3.2.9a
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nco: update to 5.3.0
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4f75b9458e3 -> 8f0d36d5f0a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/59: py-ipy: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/59: py-ipython-sql: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/59: py-nbclassic: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/59: py-ipython_genutils: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/59: py-iso3166: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/59: py-iso639: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/59: py-keystoneauth1: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/59: py-iso8601: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/59: py-isodate: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/59: py-isort: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/59: py-janus: update to 2.0.0; drop py3{8,9}, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/59: py-jdcal: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/59: py-ptpython: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/59: py-us: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/59: py-jellyfish: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/59: py-jfricas: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/59: py-jinja: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/59: py-parsel: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/59: py-jmespath-terminal: drop py37, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/59: py-nltk: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/59: py-sacremoses: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/59: py-joblib: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/59: py-josepy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/59: py-json-rpc: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/59: py-jsonconversion: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/59: py-jsonlines: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/59: py-jsonpatch: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/59: py-jsonpath-rw: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/59: py-pyvis: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/59: py-jsonpickle: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/59: py-jug: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/59: py-jupyter: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/59: py-jupyter_console: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/59: py-pyviz_comms: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/59: py-jupyterlab_pygments: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 36/59: py-ipywidgets: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 37/59: py-jupyterlab_widgets: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 38/59: py-jupytext: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 39/59: py-kaitaistruct: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 40/59: py-kaptan: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 41/59: codespell: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 42/59: flynt: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 43/59: nvchecker: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 44/59: pre-commit: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 45/59: pyupgrade: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 46/59: refurb: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 47/59: twine: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 48/59: py-identify: update to 2.6.4
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 49/59: py-parsing: update to 3.2.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 50/59: py-pyqt-builder: update to 1.17.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 51/59: ugrep: update to 7.1.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 52/59: pymol{, -devel}: add and default to python313 variant
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 53/59: meson: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 54/59: py-curl: update to 7.45.4, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 55/59: py-structlog: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 56/59: py-tokenize-rt: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 57/59: py-readme_renderer: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 58/59: py-rfc3986: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 59/59: py-argcomplete: use correct pep517 backend
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-urandom: update to version 0.41, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-sublike: update to version 0.33
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pdf2djvu: exclude very new compilers
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.11
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pikepdf: update to 9.5.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-ruamel-yaml: update to 0.18.8
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qt5-qttools: use clang 19
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libplist-devel: update to a more recent commit.
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: symfony-cli: update to 5.10.6
Antal Áron
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Update dotnet links to be global
Rich Lander
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cproto: update to 4.7x
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sops: update to 3.9.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2: update to 2.30.11
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: GiNaC: update to 1.8.8; update Python variants
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6f528ccd83a -> 760f78dc91f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/35: py-kyotocabinet: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/35: py-langcodes: update to 3.5.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/35: py-langdetect: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/35: py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/35: py-pybtex-docutils: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/35: py-pybtex: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/35: py-latexcodec: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/35: py-lazr.{config, delegates}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/35: py-lazy_loader: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/35: py-lazy_object_proxy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/35: py-ldap: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/35: py-ldap3: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/35: py-leather: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/35: py-leveldb: drop py38, add py311 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/35: py-libarchive-c: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/35: py-qtsass: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/35: py-libsass: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/35: py-libusb1: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/35: py-libvirt: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/35: py-libxslt: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/35: py-libxml2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/35: py-line_profiler: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/35: py-markdown-it-py: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/35: py-linkify-it-py: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/35: py-llfuse: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/35: py-llvmlite: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/35: py-lmdb: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/35: py-locket: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/35: py-lockfile: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/35: py-logbook: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/35: py-logilab-{common, constraint}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/35: py-loguru: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/35: py-ly: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/35: py-m2crypto: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/35: py-mailmanclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mkvtoolnix: 89.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: clojure: update to
Jan Trtík
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pipx: change default variant to python313
Monte Davidoff
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wolfssl: update to version 5.7.6
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: shadowsocks-rust: update to v1.22.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: universal-ctags: update to 6.1.20241229.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3bd2e09e898 -> 29d9ee152af)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/50: py-marisa-trie: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/50: py-mdx_linkify: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/50: py-markdown: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/50: py-markdown2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/50: py-maxminddb: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/50: py-me-al: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/50: py-mecab: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/50: py-mecab-python3: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/50: py-mechanicalsoup: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/50: py-mediafile: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/50: py-medusa: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/50: py-meld3: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/50: py-mercantile: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/50: py-mercurial_extension_utils: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/50: py-mergedeep: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/50: py-meson-python: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/50: py-octave_kernel: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/50: py-metakernel: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/50: py-metar: drop py37, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/50: py-mhash: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/50: py-mido: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/50: py-milk: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/50: py-mimeparse: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/50: py-minidb: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/50: py-misaka: drop py38, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/50: py-mistune-devel: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/50: py-mkl{,-include}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/50: py-mmh3: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/50: py-monotonic: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/50: py-monty: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/50: py-morbid: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/50: py-mox: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/50: py-mpd2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/50: py-mpi4py: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/50: py-sympy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 36/50: py-mpmath: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 37/50: py-mssql: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 38/50: py-mujson: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 39/50: py-multidict: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 40/50: py-munch: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 41/50: py-munkres: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 42/50: py-musicbrainzngs: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 43/50: py-mutagen: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 44/50: py-mygpoclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 45/50: py-rsa: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 46/50: py-mypy: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 47/50: py-psygnal: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 48/50: py-pyannotate: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 49/50: py-mypy_extensions: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 50/50: py-mysqlclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python PG: add default build.args for meson backend
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: stelath update to 5.48
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fswatch: update to 1.18.0
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: revert to version 5.47 for Monterey and Ventura
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: remove obsolete patches
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: docker: update to 27.4.1 (#27274)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python313: add freethreading subport
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: mark legacy versions as known_fail; fix dist_subdir
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rancher-cli: update to 2.10.1 (#27276)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oc: add port
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated: Update copyright years
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: codeblocks-devel: peg back darwin < 11
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: operator-sdk: update to 1.38.0 (#27278)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rke: update to 1.7.1 (#27279)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: antlr4-cpp-runtime: update to 4.13.2 (#27280)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyway: update to 11.1.0 (#27281)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: librsvg, librsvg-devel: use fallback version on Snow Leopard
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llvm/clang-19: work around x86_64/i386 universal build error
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: appstream-glib: fix missing ossp-uuid dependency
Lukas Oberhuber
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (04549cc048e -> c25da214962)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: qgis3: update to 3.40.2
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 02/02: spatialindex: update to 2.1.0
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c25da214962 -> 208a5cf4608)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: pdal: update to 2.8.3
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 02/04: saga: update to 9.7.0
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 03/04: pgrouting: update to 3.7.1
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 04/04: postgis3: update to 3.5.1
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stress-ng: 0.18.08
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2_image: handle stealth update
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: multiple ports: fix vala dependency type
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gssdp: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: docker-compose-plugin: update to 2.32.1
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: typescript: update to 5.7.2
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: docker-buildx-plugin: update to 0.19.3 (#27295)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-lazy_loader: update to 0.4, add py313 subport
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to 24.18.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: subsurface: fix dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2_ttf: update to 2.24.0
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dino: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnome-calculator: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gupnp: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gupnp-tools: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libcmatrix: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libdmapsharing: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libosinfo: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-SDL2: update to 0.9.17
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libshumate: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pikepdf: update to 9.5.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mod_qos: update to 11.76
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gedit: remove unused dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: osm-gps-map: simplify libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gtimelog: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-nbxmpp: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: znc: add icu dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: pin Sonoma to version 5.47
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: znc: add missing dependencies
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vino: remove unused dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gajim: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: osm-gps-map: fix lint
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: multiple ports: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: polari: fix lint
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: evolution-data-server-gtk4: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: empathy: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: multiple ports: fix libsoup-2.4 dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnome3-core: fix libsoup dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mimalloc: update to 3.0.1
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bitwarden-cli: Update to version 2024.12.0
Marcel Bochtler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (912b97b3426 -> 33113c2dbd3)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: tinygltf: update to 2.9.4
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 02/02: draco: increase revision after tinygltf update to 2.9.4
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gcovr: new port
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: broot: update to 1.44.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (07ded1c72df -> 552d783caae)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-identify: update to 2.6.5
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-virtualenv: update to 20.28.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mas: 1.9.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xorg-libXt: add missing xorg-libice dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: iproute2mac: default to python313
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sqlmap: add and default to python313
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sqlmap: update to 1.9
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2b7518f11ab -> 944808e55e9)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/02: tk: split into quartz and x11 subports
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 02/02: tk dependents: use tk-quartz and tk-x11 as needed
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-ruamel-yaml: update to 0.18.9
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tcl, tk: update to 8.6.16
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sigil: add and default to python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mpv: add and default to python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c15d15fa0b6 -> fa9e8a2dfd1)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-pyheif: add and default to python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-pdfminer: add and default to python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-freetype: add and default to python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: opencv4{, -devel}: py subports: use correct python for build
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: plfit: update to 1.0.1
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: opencv3{, -devel}: py subports: use correct python for build
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: opencv3{, -devel}: py subports: use correct python for build
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (f171d13b132 -> e3e604a064a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-aiofiles: add py312-313 subports
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-unpaddedbase64: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-notify2: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 04/05: matrix-nio: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] 05/05: matrix-commander: new port
Sergey Fedorov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: opencv4: add py313 bindings, build with Python 3.13
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3003281a497 -> a03166c6dff)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/02: tkimg: set tk include dir
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 02/02: tktable: set tk include dir
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a03166c6dff -> 2d02fd1bc36)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 01/02: opencv{3, 4}{, -devel}: cleanup deconflict logic
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 02/02: opencv3{, -devel}: py subports: use correct python for build, take 2
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2d02fd1bc36 -> 9a944fbd1a2)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-powerline: add python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-powerline-exitstatus-kai: add python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-powerline-gitstatus: add python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: opencv4-devel: add py313 bindings, build with Python 3.13
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-powerline: revbump for previous changes
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rare: update to 0.4.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-re2: add python 3.13
Perry E. Metzger
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hof: update to 0.6.10
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: semver-utils: new port
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cpp-argparse-dev: update to v1.9.6
Golubchikov Mihail
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: igraph: use external plfit
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (959b8a88731 -> 791f2be0b0e)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-poetry-core: update to 2.0.0
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] 02/03: poetry: update to 2.0.0
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-poetry-plugin-shell: new port
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: got: update to 0.107
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cdo: update to 2.5.0
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libfive: use Python 3.13
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: age: install manpages
Josh Caswell
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: helix: update to 25.01
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.15
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xc: update to 0.8.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zlib-ng: update to 2.2.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruff: update to 0.8.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deno: update to 2.1.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ox: update to 0.7.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: skim: update to 0.15.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libtatsu: new port, version 1.0.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-file: update to version 1.994
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-manifest: update to version 2.025
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-astro-app-satpass2: update to version 0.055
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lang/sbcl: update to sbcl-2.5.0
Mark Evenson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (255c88336b7 -> 847e9ff9038)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 01/02: ocrmypdf: rework python variants, default to 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 02/02: ocrmypdf: add tesseract-eng as runtime dep
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2025.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stress-ng: 0.18.09
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-superqt: update to 0.7.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qt5-qtwebengine: fix build
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trove-classifiers: update to 2025.1.6.15
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: iproute2mac: create bin symlinks in sbin
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: iproute2mac: unset platforms any
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: syncthing: update to 1.29.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jujutsu: update to 0.25.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: act: update to 0.2.71
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: actionlint: update to 1.7.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-scipy: update to 1.15.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gallery-dl: update to 1.28.3 and bump python
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Gildas: update to 202501a
Sebastien Bardeau
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-imageio: update to 2.36.1, add py313 subport
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: glib2{, -devel}: use py313 for builds
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.1
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-time-piece: update to version 0.35
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-sublike: update to version 0.34
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn: update to version 3.011
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-carp-assert-more: update to version 2.8.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-chemistry-elements: update to version 1.078
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-urandom: update to version 0.48
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-datetime-format-natural: update to version 1.19, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-extutils-libbuilder: update to version 0.09
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-fey: update to version 0.44
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gh: update to 2.65.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qsv: update to 2.0.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qutebrowser: update to 3.4.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby3[23]: Fix build on 10.4 with gcc14.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: isync: Fix crash on 0-size messages on IMAP
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-ruamel-yaml: update to 0.18.10
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: swi-prolog-devel: Updated to version 9.3.18
Jan Wielemaker
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cloudflared: 2025.1.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llama.cpp: 4434
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trove-classifiers: update to 2025.1.7.14
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xaos: restrict compilers to supported by qt64
Phil Krylov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bat: update to 0.25.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rust-analyzer: update to 2025-01-07
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-devel: update to 2.48.0-rc2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moar: update to 1.31.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: aqua/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-urandom: update to version 0.49
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-sublike: update to version 0.35
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mac-errors: update to version 1.193
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mce: update to version 1.901
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-moosex-getopt: update to version 0.78, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-moosex-nonmoose: update to version 0.27, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-oauth: update to version 0.30, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-perl-tidy: update to version 20250105
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: update to 7.0.5; zeek-devel: update to 7.1.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asitop: remove obsolete port
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fricas: revbump for new sbcl version
Pieter van Oostrum
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-log-dispatchouli: update to version 3.009
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-text-csv_xs: update to version 1.59
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-text-multimarkdown: update to version 1.004, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-tie-cycle: update to version 1.229
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-www-oauth: update to version 1.001, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: FatDriveSorter: 1.2.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tbb: avoid checksum mismatch
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dashing: add python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: asitop: use python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openssl3: Fix no_cache issue w/3rd party providers
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: highlight: 4.15
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-funcsigs: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-josepy: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyrfc3339: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-repoze.sphinx.autointerface: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-acme: update to 3.1.0; add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-configargparse: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-configobj: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-parsedatetime: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot: update to 3.1.0; add python313 variant, set as default
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: GPXSee: update to 13.34
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rpki-client: update to 9.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (68c901e8936 -> 18c772fd15d)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: paho.mqtt.c: update to 1.3.14
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] 02/02: paho.mqtt.cpp: update to 1.5.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: update to 2.68
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dosbox-x: update to 2025.01.01
Sriranga Veeraraghavan
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: logtalk: update to 3.87.0
Paulo Moura
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terraform-1.10: update to 1.10.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rust-analyzer: update to 2025-01-08
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kubie: update to 0.24.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5a7c497956b -> 0c7f5b97f26)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-sphinxnotes-strike: add python 3.13, drop 3.8
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-sphinx-jsonschema: add python 3.13, drop 3.8
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go-tools: update to 0.29.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: arti: update to 1.3.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: roapi: update to 0.12.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-ndg_httpsclient: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pynamecheap: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyotp: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-python-augeas: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-hookable: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-component: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot-dns-namecheap: update Python variants
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: archivers/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyrfc3339: drop test as py-nose doesn't support py312+
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dart-sdk: update to 3.6.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-cgi: update to version 4.67, description, notes
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-config-general: update to version 2.67
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-urandom: update to version 0.50
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-libintl-perl: update to version 1.34
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.2
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 505.0.0 (#27343)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-event: drop test as py-nose doesn't support py312+
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-component: update to 6.0; drop py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot-dns-namecheap: add whitespace to force build
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot-dns-namecheap: use python.version for require_active_variants
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot-dns-namecheap: try to fix require_active_variants, take 3
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-orjson: update to 3.10.14
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: astyle: update to 3.6.6
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wireshark4: update to 4.4.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kealib: update to 1.6.1
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pywavelets: update to 1.8.0, add py313 subport
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qrtool: 0.11.7
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: icu, icu-devel: Tweak usage of muniversal
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rpg-cli: new port (v 1.2.0)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gsh: new port (v 0.8.0)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mac-osversion: update to version 1.016
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wx-3.0 ports: set appropriate c++ standards
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llama.cpp: 4453
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jsonlines: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cloudflare: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-s3transfer: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-boto3: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: update livecheck
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-imagecodecs: unbreak build
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (dad04307992 -> 6f4988e53a5)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: Revert "wx-3.0 ports: set appropriate c++ standards"
- [macports-ports] 02/02: wx-3.0 ports: revbump to pick up revert
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eksctl: update to 0.200.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.16
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hexyl: update to 0.16.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k6: update to 0.56.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k0sctl: update to 0.21.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3101f5843c9 -> ed02413112f)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/02: lego: update to 4.21.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 02/02: mani: update to 0.30.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ed02413112f -> 5e825b5240d)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-fsspec: update to 2024.12.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-s3fs: update to 2024.12.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-redis: update to 5.2.1
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-rapidfuzz: update to 3.11.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-pywavelets: fix livecheck
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qt5-qtwebengine: update to 5.15.18
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mlton: Fix environment variable that specifies gmp directory
Phil Clayton
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: glib2: Fix code generator with Python 3.13
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.3
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yadm: fix install paths and install completions
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-algorithm-curvefit: update to version 1.06
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20250109.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-experimental: update to version 0.034, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-keyword: update to version 0.48
David B. Evans
- [macports-base] branch master updated: Fix (dist)clean on systems without clonefile
Joshua Root
- [macports-base] branch master updated: vendor/Makefile.in: update codesign targets
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: audio/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llama.cpp: 4457, move to the new llm category
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stack: update to 3.3.1
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ghc: update to 9.12.1
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocrmypdf: drop pngquant dep to avoid rust on 10.8-
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocrmypdf: fix condition for dropping pngquant
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-setuptools-git-versioning: update to 2.1.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trove-classifiers: update to 2025.1.10.15
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: glib2-devel: fix code generator with Python 3.13
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: glib2: remove dep py-packaging
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Revert "python PG: use c11 with python313+ due to atomics"
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python pg: require compiler atomics support for 3.13+
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: valkey: update to 8.0.2
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tifffile: update to 2025.1.10
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-setuptools: update to 75.8.0
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: SDL3-devel: update to 3.1.8
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (901feb6c21e -> 7f0a4efd055)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/04: stress-ng: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 02/04: freecad: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 03/04: hidapi: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 04/04: cross/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tk dependents: default to +quartz when tk does
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: databases/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moe: update to 1.15
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ed: update to 1.21
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.4
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-devel: update to 2.48.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git: update to 2.48.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: micronaut: update to 4.7.4 (#27357)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-unicodedata2: update to 16.0.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tesseract-training: use_mp_libcxx on 10.13 and older
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (f9546d7 -> f109400)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/16: Makefile: Create temporary directory for test files.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/16: Rework 10.4 copyfile headers.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/16: Replace copyfile wrapper with 10.6 copyfile.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 04/16: copyfile: Fix build issues on 10.4.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 05/16: Add test for copyfile().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 06/16: copyfile: Add compatibility wrappers for 10.4.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 07/16: test_copyfile: Add test for 10.4 compatibility wrappers.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 08/16: Add 10.6 copyfile manpage for 10.4 and 10.5.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 09/16: Add copyfile debugging support.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 10/16: test_copyfile: Avoid broken COPYFILE_ACL on 10.4 Rosetta.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 11/16: sys/stat.h: Add *statx64_np() prototypes for 10.4
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 12/16: test_stat: Add tests for *statx_np().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 13/16: statxx: Add *statx_np() for 10.4.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 14/16: test_stat: Avoid broken fstatx_np() on 10.4 Rosetta.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 15/16: TargetConditionals: Add more defaults.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 16/16: Add test for TargetConditionals.h.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-scikit-image: update to 0.25.0, add py313 subport
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-awscli2: update to 2.22.33
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-urwid: add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bun: update to 1.1.43
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: starship: update to 1.22.1
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-passphrase: update to version 0.020, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dbi: update to version 1.646
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dbd-mysql: update versions, checksums
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-module-pluggable: update to version 6.3
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-object-pad: update to version 0.819
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tree-sitter-css: update to 0.23.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: legacy-support-devel: Update to latest master.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mat2: update to 0.13.5
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: harfbuzz-devel: update to 10.2.0; use py313 for build
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsoup-devel: update to 3.6.3; use py313 for build
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: harfbuzz: update to 10.2.0; use py313 for build
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.6
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-types-setuptools: update to, remove python 3.8 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-sh: update to 2.2.1
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hyrule: update to 0.8.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocrmypdf: fix dependencies
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-urwid-readline: new port
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby34: new port, version 3.4.1
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vttest: update to 20241208
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: chezmoi: update to 2.58.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: devel/[A-h]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rclone: update to 1.69.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yq: update to 4.45.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tfsec: update to 1.28.13
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-graph: update to version 0.9733
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-text-bibtex: update to version 0.90
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-text-csv: update to version 2.05
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (452357a5b46 -> 77268762eb5)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/02: rust: update to 1.84.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 02/02: cargo: update to 0.85.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: broot: update to 1.44.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deno: update to 2.1.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: t-rec: update to 0.7.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: syncthing: update to 1.29.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2025.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pv:1.9.27 (#27375)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nco: update to 5.3.1
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pudb: update to 2024.1.3, add py313 subport
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wireshark4: update to 4.4.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gallery-dl: update to 1.28.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xonsh: update to 0.19.1; remove python313 variant (missing dependency)
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dbd-csv: update to version 0.62, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.12
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-black: update to 24.10.0, add py313 subport
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: alacritty: update to 0.15
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moc: rebuild with latest libid3tag, libmad
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: baresip: rebuild with libvpx.9
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-clint: remove unused subports
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mariadb: update master_sites
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jsonconversion: update to 1.0.2, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dacite: add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-soundcloud-v2: update to 1.6.0, add python 3.13 support
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6e724971440 -> 2c33355c7c3)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-pyscard: update to 2.2.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/02: dockerize: update to 0.9.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2c33355c7c3 -> ce5e7d796f6)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/04: qt5-mysql-plugin: remove old mariadb variants
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 02/04: dovecot: update database variants
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 03/04: postfix: update database variants
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 04/04: python313-devel: add missing categories option
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-tideways_xhprof: remove obsolete port
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-hsluv: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-meshio: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-vispy: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-napari-svg: update to 0.2.1; add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libframe: update to 8.48.3
Duncan Macleod
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mesa: Add missing build dep
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Drop Mojca's ports
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: LLVM 19: Update to 19.1.7
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python312-devel: remove obsolete port
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jedi: update to 0.19.2
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pnpm: update to 9.15.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: keybase: update to version 6.4.0
Robert Sesek
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sqlite3: update to 3.48.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyviz_comms: update to 3.0.4
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lighttpd: Update to 1.4.77
Glenn Strauss
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: graphviz*: Fix build with +smyrna variant
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: netpbm: Update to 11.09.02
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ninja: Use python313
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yt-dlp: Update to 2025.01.12
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: scons: Use python313
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: blades: update to 0.6.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eksctl: update to 0.201.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (fc0e26d2493 -> 09cc3199716)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/36: py-notebook: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/36: py-jupyterlab: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/36: py-httpx: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/36: py-jupyterlab_server: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/36: py-ipykernel: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/36: py-json5: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/36: py-jupyter-lsp: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/36: py-notebook_shim: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/36: py-jupyter_server: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/36: py-jupyter_server_terminals: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/36: py-nbconvert: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/36: py-nbclient: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/36: py-nbformat: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/36: py-overrides: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/36: py-jupyter_client: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/36: py-jupyter_core: dop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/36: py-jupyter_events: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/36: py-jupyter_packaging: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/36: py-platformdirs: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/36: py-python-json-logger: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/36: py-hatch-jupyter-builder: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/36: py-deprecation: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 23/36: py-async-lru: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 24/36: py-argon2-cffi{, -bindings}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 25/36: py-websocket-client: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 26/36: py-terminado: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 27/36: py-send2trash: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 28/36: py-fastjsonschema: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 29/36: py-hatch-nodejs-version: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 30/36: py-nest_asyncio: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 31/36: py-jsonschema-format-nongpl: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 32/36: py-uri-template: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 33/36: py-fqdn: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 34/36: py-isoduration: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 35/36: py-jsonpointer: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 36/36: py-rfc3986-validator: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python314-devel: update to 3.14.0a4
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to version 24.18.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eask-cli: update to 0.10.3
Jen-Chieh Shen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.7
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-build: Update to 20250114
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: devel/[i-r]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (281b029bd86 -> 1e3a87b21dc)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-formalchemy: mark obsolete
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-webob: update to 1.8.9
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-scikit-image: fix livecheck
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-pytest: update to 8.3.4
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libframe: fix bugs in cmake configuration
Duncan Macleod
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 506.0.0 (#27394)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnuplot: update to 6.0.2; assume maintainership
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tippecanoe: update to 2.74.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pytesseract: update to 0.3.13, update subports
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: t-rec: update to 0.7.8
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kustomize: update to 5.6.0
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tomli-w: update to 1.2.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: aerc: update to 0.19.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruff: Update to 0.9.1
Chris Jones
- [MacPorts] SocialMedia modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20250115.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-extutils-builder: update to version 0.014
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-libintl-perl: update to version 1.35
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-tcl: update to version 1.50
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-www-oauth: update to version 1.002
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-sublike: update to version 0.36
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trove-classifiers: update to 2025.1.15.22
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mani: Install manpage and completions (#27402)
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gitleaks: update to 8.23.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: helm: new subport for Helm 3.17
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python314-devel: fix attribute fallthrough check
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20250116.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: devel/[s-z]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-xarray: add py313 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-build: Update to 20250115
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: d3dmetal: Update to v2.0
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: apache-arrow: update to 19.0.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (cb9c4f9ecc1 -> a2208a38dfe)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 01/04: kubectl-1.29: update to 1.29.13
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 02/04: kubectl-1.30: update to 1.30.9
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 03/04: kubectl-1.31: update to 1.31.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] 04/04: kubectl-1.32: update to 1.32.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.141.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-devel: update to 2.48.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.17
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: moar: update to 1.31.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: murex: update to 6.4.2063
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: minikube: update to 1.35.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go-devel: update to 1.24rc2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsoup: update to 3.6.3
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tree-sitter-heex: update to 0.8.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dbix-class: update to version 0.082844
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ast-grep: update to 0.33.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cbindgen: update to 0.28.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (8a6a5322cf4 -> 286f7a7f111)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/12: py-autopep8: update to 2.3.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/12: py-scipy: update to 1.15.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/12: pyright: update to 1.1.392
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/12: ugrep: update to 7.1.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/12: py-biopython: update to 1.85, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/12: py-pyficache: update to 2.4.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/12: py-virtualenv: update to 20.29.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/12: gpgme: update to 1.24.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/12: py-alabaster: update to 1.0.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/12: py-argh: update to 0.31.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/12: py-deprecated: update to 1.2.15
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/12: py-numpydoc: update to 1.8.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: popt: Update to 1.19
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: CocoaDialog: Supports Intel archs only for now
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (cc80795691d -> ce79a005994)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-cssselect: drop python 3.8, add 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-cssutils: update to 2.11.1, add python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sigil: 2.4.0, fix python 3.13 variant
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llama.cpp: 4493
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: editors/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: emulators/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: erlang/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: finance/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rsync: Update to 3.4.1
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: melonds: Add pkgconfig dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mariadb-10.{0, 1, 2}: mark obsolete
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: audacious-plugins: add missing dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: docker: update to 27.5.0 (#27407)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: doxygen-devel: update to 1.13.2, use Python 3.13
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: procs: update to 0.14.9
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k3d: update to 5.8.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go: update to 1.23.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: s2n-tls: update to 1.5.11
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.45.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tbls: update to 1.80.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gdu: update to 5.30.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.9
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: newsraft: update to 0.28
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: josm: update to 19277
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jsoncons: update to 1.1.0
Nikolay Korotkiy
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cargo-c: update to 0.10.8
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-datetime-timezone: update to version 2.64
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nawk: update to 20250116
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: croc: update to 10.2.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyctl: update to 0.3.64
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (f3831c4d4e9 -> f91a55a957d)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-arrow: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-types-python-dateutil: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-pyficache: fix post-destroot phase
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deno: update to 2.1.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: td_lib: update to 20250117
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ded: update to 20250117
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: crystal: update to 1.15.0
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: shards: update to 0.19.0
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libpng: update to 1.6.45
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rspamd: remove libunwind
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rapidjson: Remove wrong assignment operator
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: edencommon: remove libunwind
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-passphrase-argon2: update to version 0.010, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: caddy: update to 2.9.1
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fortran/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fuse/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: games/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xqf: Add gettext build dependency
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: meson: add llvm-config to cross files
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (361b924770b -> e340f1e1191)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: gdal: update to 3.10.1
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 02/03: gdal: reorganise subports alphabetically
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 03/03: gdal: add 'gdal-hdf4' subport, replacing 'hdf4' variant
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: utfcpp: new port
Erik Bråthen Solem
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ncdc: update to 1.24.1, add GeoIP support
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: minipro: update to 0.7.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llama.cpp: update to 4508; fix builds on 10.15 and earlier
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1304a7d9aec -> ab5d56ccf6b)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/11: py-annotated_types: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/11: py-asn1-modules: drop py3{7,8} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/11: py-bleach: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/11: py-brotli: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/11: py-brotlicffi: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/11: py-cachetools: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/11: py-pinocchio: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/11: py-colorama: drop py3{5-8} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/11: py-pyqt-builder: update to 1.17.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/11: py-setupmeta: update to 3.6.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/11: py-virtualenv: update to 20.29.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-extutils-embed: remove outdated port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: polymake: rebuild against the core version of ExtUtils::Embed
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-isbn-data: update to version 20250118.001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fizz, folly, mvfst: remove libunwind dependency
Mohamed Akram
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rebels-in-the-sky: Update to 1.0.28
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk24-zulu: update to 24.0.67 (#27418)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: boost*: migrate to archives.boost.io
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ov: update to 0.38.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fzf: update to 0.58.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: helix: update to 25.01.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: air: update to 1.61.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kotlin-language-server: update to 1.3.13
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-opengl: update to 3.1.9
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gis/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnome/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2025.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-base] branch master updated: portindex: start threads on demand
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: knot-resolver: update to 6.0.10; fix typo in notes
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-guide] branch master updated: Update copyright years
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (f109400 -> d281d6a)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/16: Add fstatx_np() tests with NULL fsec.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/16: Add fix for fstatx_np() on 10.4 Rosetta.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/16: test_stat: Remove 10.4 Rosetta exception.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 04/16: test_copyfile: Remove 10.4 Rosetta exception.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 05/16: dirent.h: Fix scandir hack for non-POSIX.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 06/16: Make stdio.h include sys/stdio.h for renameat().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 07/16: Implement interim clock_gettime_nsec_np().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 08/16: Add minimal test for clock_gettime_nsec_np().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 09/16: Makefile: Support manual tests that use the library.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 10/16: Implement clock_settime().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 11/16: Add manual test for clock_settime().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 12/16: Add net/if_utun.h for <10.6.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 13/16: Add test for include of net/if_utun.h.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 14/16: Provide pthread_[f]chdir_np() functions for 10.5+.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 15/16: Add test for pthread_[f]chdir_np().
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 16/16: Rename best_fchdir to __mpls_best_fchdir.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: graphics/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (096c8690f64 -> b62644cc716)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-mitmproxy_macos: new port, version 0.11.2
Matthew Leather
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-mitmproxy_rs: new port, version 0.11.2
Matthew Leather
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-mitmproxy: update to 11.0.2
Matthew Leather
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: glances: update to
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: avahi: add and default to python 3.13, drop 3.8
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (f3b83cc3541 -> 9ed8dcf6e18)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/22: py-asteval: update to 1.0.6
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/22: py-meld3: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/22: py-distlib: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/22: py-beautifulsoup4: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/22: py-benchexec: update to 3.27; drop py38, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/22: py-grcpio{,-tools}: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/22: py-coverage: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/22: py-defusedxml: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/22: py-elixir: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/22: py-filelock: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/22: py-formalchemy: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/22: py-freeling: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/22: olm: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/22: py-httpcore: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/22: py-h11: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/22: py-h2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/22: py-hpack: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/22: py-html5lib: drop py3{7,8} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/22: py-hyperframe: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/22: py-idna-ssl: remove port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/22: py-jsonschema-specifications: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/22: py-importlib-resources: drop py3{7, 8} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openvpn2: 2.6.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openvpn3: 3.10.5
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openssl3: Fix CVE-2024-13176
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: antlr4-cpp-runtime: enhancement add support for all architectures (#27434)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rpcgen-mt: use the GitHub thkukuk/rpcsvc-proto repo
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-instrument-control: update to 0.9.4; build needs rpcgen-mt
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rpcgen-mt: add build dependencies
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-instrument-control: whitespace to force build
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rpcgen-mt: fix typo
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rpcgen-mt; explicity add autoconf dependency
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-instrument-control: whitespace to force build, take 2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated (d281d6a -> 1965ad6)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-legacy-support] 01/03: Add CPU_TYPE_ARM (for 10.4)
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 02/03: Add test for added CPU_* defs.
Fred Wright
- [macports-legacy-support] 03/03: Updates README.md for recent changes.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: minisign: 0.12
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (81302f3abd0 -> ad6c5fa7ac1)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/22: py-pytest-timeout: remove unneeded test dependencies
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/22: py-ipdb: remove py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/22: py-ipython: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/22: py-jedi: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/22: py-matplotlib-inline: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/22: py-pickleshare: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/22: py-prompt_toolkit: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/22: py-stack_data: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/22: py-traitlets: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/22: py-appnope: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/22: py-decorator: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/22: py-pure_eval: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/22: py-asttokens: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/22: py-parso: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/22: py-referencing: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/22: py-rpds-py: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/22: py-sniffio: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/22: py-socksio: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/22: py-socks: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/22: py-tinycss2: drop py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 21/22: py-wsaccel: update to 0.6.7; drop py38, add py31{2,3} subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 22/22: py-yappi: update to 1.6.10; drop py37, add py312 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ad6c5fa7ac1 -> 34d1849c510)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-poetry-plugin-export: update to 1.9.0
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-poetry-core: update to 2.0.1
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] 03/03: poetry: update to 2.0.1
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-awscli2: update to 2.23.2
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-lfs: update to 3.6.1
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: apktool: 2.11.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: crossbinutils: Add compiler blacklist (#27421)
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: legacy-support-devel: Update to latest master.
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: legcord: update to 1.0.7 (#27436)
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: coreutils-uutils: update to 0.0.29
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fldigi : Update to 4.2.06
Carl Makin
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Update to 1.12.1
Carl Makin
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: irc/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: janet/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: java/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kde/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k3sup: update to 0.13.8
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (07653275828 -> 43f587c2a85)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] 01/02: ffmpeg7: add pixeldensity feature for retina displays
- [macports-ports] 02/02: ffmpeg7, ffmpeg-devel: blacklist clang < 900
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: legcord: update to 1.0.8
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jdk23: update to 23.0.2 (#27446)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jdk21: update to 21.0.6 (#27447)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jdk21-graalvm: update to 21.0.6 (#27448)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jdk23-graalvm: update to 23.0.2 (#27449)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk23-corretto: update to 23.0.2 (#27451)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17-corretto: update to (#27453)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk21-corretto: update to (#27452)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk11-corretto: update to (#27454)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk8-corretto: update to 8.442.06.1 (#27455)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyctl: update to 0.3.66
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk21-zulu: update 21.40.17 (#27456)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk23-zulu: update to 23.32.11 (#27457)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17-zulu: update to 17.56.15 (#27458)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk11-zulu: update to 11.78.15 (#27459)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk8-zulu: update to (#27460)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk23: update to 23.0.2 (#27450)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: smlnj: update to
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-tzdata: update to 2025.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-simple: update to version 1.302208
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-clipboard: update to version 0.31
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dbi: update to version 1.647
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-function-parameters: update to version 2.002005, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.14
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-mpfr: update to version 4.33
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-module-corelist: update to version 5.20250120, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mpdecimal: Use -arch flags and LDFLAGS to link C++
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cabal: Update to version; Fix build issue in PG haskell_cabal
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-websockets: update to 14.2, drop maintainership
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-orjson: update to 3.10.15
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-unum: remove unused port (python 3.7 only)
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-llvmlite: update to 0.44.0, add py313 subport
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ipatool: 2.1.5
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go-task: update to 3.41.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pycallgraph: remove unused port that only has a python 3.7 version
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-fonttools: update to 4.55.4
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: julia: update to 1.11.3
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocaml-labltk: Update to 8.06.12
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-build: Update to 20250121 (#27462)
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: reuse: update to 5.0.2 (#27441)
Keita Kita
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk23-sap: update to 23.0.2 (#27463)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk21-sap: update to 21.0.6 (#27464)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: knot: update to 3.4.4
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17-sap: update to 17.0.14 (#27465)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lang/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl{, -devel}: add build dep py-packaging
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (98e00d4c264 -> 9d360a7a12f)
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-pydantic_core: update to 2.27.2
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-XYZ: Add new py313 versions to misc py ports
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk21: update to 21.0.6 (#27466)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: clamav: update to 1.4.2
Daniel J. Luke
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openmpi: portselect: drop defunct orte.pc; disable silent rules
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: converseen: update to
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-urandom: update to version 0.52
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-curl: update to version 0.57
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-simple: update to version 1.302209
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000156
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs22: Prevent installation on Mac OS X 10.7
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs22: Revise platforms symtax
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs22: Set known_fail directly
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: filebrowser: add patch fixing command runner
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (be065a85b90 -> 3bb02e7bae1)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-wrapt: update to 1.17.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-ipython: update to 8.31.0
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: v2ray: 5.25.1
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: docker: update to 27.5.1 (#27474)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: llama.cpp: 4534, properly enable openmp
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: napari: update to 0.5.6
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-josepy: update to 1.15.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lisp/cl-[3-m]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7c50f720fda -> 5854ba3b3a1)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-sqlalchemy: update to 2.0.37
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-psutil: update to 6.1.1
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-debugpy: update to 1.8.12
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-pyglet: update to 2.1.2
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lisp/cl-[n-z]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lua/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mail/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-panel: update to 1.6.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: swi-prolog-devel: Updated to version 9.3.19
Jan Wielemaker
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: apache2: update to 2.4.63
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jsonconversion: update to 1.1.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terraform: update to 1.10.5
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kotlin: update to 2.1.0 (#27476)
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17: update to 17.0.14 (#27467)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk11: update to 11.0.26 (#27468)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk21-temurin: update to 21.0.6 (#27479)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17-temurin: update to 17.0.14 (#27480)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk11-temurin: update to 11.0.26 (#27481)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk8-temurin: update to 8u442 (#27482)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk21-microsoft: update to 21.0.6 (#27483)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk17-microsoft: update to 17.0.14 (#27484)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk11-microsoft: update to 11.0.26 (#27485)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: spring-boot-cli: update to 3.4.2 (#27486)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: skaffold: update to 2.14.0 (#27487)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stern: update to 1.32.0 (#27488)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.15
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-bigint: update to version 2.003004
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby33: update to 3.3.7
Fred Wright
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyte: use python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: thefuck: use python313
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.13
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: arduino-cli: update to 1.1.1
Mark Mentovai
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: reflex: update to 2.5.4-20241231
Thomas Dickey
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terraform: update to 1.39.1 (#27493)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: math/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: multimedia/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: filebrowser: backport more bug fix patches
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: toast: Update to 0.47.7
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: git-absorb: Add bash, zsh, and fish completions
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: haproxy: enable the Prometheus Exporter service
Graham Reed
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: 19.1.7 (#27498)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: SDL3: stable version 3.2.0 replacing SDL3-devel
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7430a36b9bc -> bdda2524025)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/02: SDL3: update platforms
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 02/02: SDL3_image-devel: update to 3.1.1
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk23-temurin: update to 23.0.2 (#27504)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9fb5a27b3e2 -> f2e83c7b9c9)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/03: gradle: update to 8.12.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-fonttools: update to 4.55.6
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 03/03: terraform-ls: update to 0.36.4
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk24-zulu: update to 24.0.73 (#27505)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.14
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: got: update to 0.108
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uxn: update to 20250124
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: got: Requires macOS 13 or later
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TinyEXIF: Update to 1.0.3
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libvirt: Update to 11.0.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-libvirt: Update to 11.0.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-xdebug: Update to 3.4.1
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gawk-xml: Update to 1.1.2
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ocp: Update to 3.0.1
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yt-dlp: Update to 2025.01.15
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: redis: Update to version 7.4.2
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rspamd: Update to version 3.11.0
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-XlsxWriter: update to 3.2.1
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-eventlet: update to 0.39.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-clang: Update clang19 to 19.1.7
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-ctypeslib2: add py313 subport
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mc: update to 4.8.33
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 507.0.0
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cpp-argparse-dev: update to v1.9.7
Golubchikov Mihail
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: update to 2.69
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qgis3: update to 3.40.3
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (418e12e5269 -> f0bdca4ffcd)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: postgis3: update to 3.5.2
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-gdal: update to 3.10.1
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 03/04: pgrouting: update to 3.7.2
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 04/04: saga: update to 9.7.2
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ncdc: update to 1.24.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lima: drop dependency on QEMU from macOS 14 onwards
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fswatch: update to version 1.18.1 (#27514)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-primes: update to version 0.52, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-geo-webservice-elevation-usgs: update to version 0.201
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.16
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mock-config: update to version 0.04
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-yaml-pp: update to v0.38.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Aseprite: Allow building on OS X 10.9-10.12 with 10.13 SDK
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: build using python 3.13
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: revert python version increase
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (31a31dc93bc -> 9da88533634)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: wine-devel, wine-staging: Allow building on 10.12 and later
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] 02/02: wine-*: Update to 10.0
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-h5netcdf: update to 1.5.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (8b067129099 -> 4a4983ccd47)
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 01/06: Aseprite: Add maintainer option to avoid extra fetching
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 02/06: Aseprite: Update to 1.3.11
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 03/06: bmake: Update to 20250120
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 04/06: freetds: Update to 1.4.26
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 05/06: fakeroot: Update to 1.37
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] 06/06: mtools: Update to 4.0.47
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fastfetch: update to 2.35.0, use python 3.13
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ccdiff: Update to 0.34
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pandoc: Update to version 3.6.2
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2918f8ce31c -> 3976541e1ec)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: gdal: add subport 'gdal-hdf5', replacing the 'hdf5' variant
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 02/04: gdal: add subport 'gdal-kea', replacing the 'kea' variant
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 03/04: kealib: drop unnecessary dependency on 'gdal'
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] 04/04: gdal: revbump after migration to subports for hdf5 and kea support
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: some gis/* ports: promote nilason as first maintainer [CI skip]
Nicklas Larsson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-solr: Update to 2.8.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yt-dlp: Update to 2025.01.26
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: privoxy: Update to version 4.0.0
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (32e8c32babd -> 011d8ebb833)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/06: net/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 02/06: ocaml/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 03/06: office/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 04/06: p5-mytop: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 05/06: php/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 06/06: print/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python/py-[a-i]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wine-*: Don't use libpcap
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python/py-[j-q]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python/py-[r-z]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ffmpeg: fix doc install
Christopher Nielsen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pandoc: fix legacy checksums
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.15
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: groovy: update to 4.0.25 (#27520)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk11-sap: end of support (#27521)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-proj4: mark deprecated, drop maintainership
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ipe, p5-eval: mark deprecated
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-tcl: update to version 1.51
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (94278815637 -> 71d2d4ebdc7)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/02: nanopass-scheme: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 02/02: libsdl2: restrict livecheck to 2.x versions
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-bdist_mpkg: use default livecheck
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dice3ds: use standard pypi livecheck
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dnsupdate: use working homepage, disable livecheck
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dnsupdate: fix strings files encodings
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: science/[A-g]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dnsupdate: use startupitem.custom_file
Joshua Root
- [mpbb] branch master updated: open deps requiring build with correct variants
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Revert "wine-*: Don't use libpcap"
Joshua Root
- [mpbb] branch master updated: Use MacPorts 2.10.5 for initial installation
Joshua Root
- [mpbb] branch master updated (1361af8 -> 06b9bfc)
Joshua Root
- [mpbb] 01/02: dependencies: handle missing dict key
Joshua Root
- [mpbb] 02/02: dependencies: ensure requested_variations is set
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: science/[h-y]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1266530ee32 -> f7238d7f622)
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] 01/03: wine-*: Fixup portfiles
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] 02/03: Update Portfile
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] 03/03: Update Portfile
Dean M Greer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oh-my-posh: update to version 24.19.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: phpMyAdmin: update to 5.2.2
William Desportes
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-smartypants: avoid checksum mismatch
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fswatch: update to 1.18.2 (#27524)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2025.
Marius Schamschula
- [MacPorts] PortfileRecipes modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xz: Update to 5.6.4
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs*: Prevent installation on Mac OS X 10.7
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-timezonedb: Update to 2025.1
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sops: update to 3.9.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: actionlint: update to 1.7.7
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eksctl: update to 0.202.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: scw: update to 2.36.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dua-cli: update to 2.30.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: popeye: update to 0.22.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gmic: update to 3.5.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-libdnet: update to 1.18.0
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pypcap: fix pointer types, add py312/313
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-issn: update to version 1.008
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-perl-version: update to version 1.018, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: security/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: shells/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sysutils/[D-l]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xvega: update to 0.1.2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ncview: update to v2.1.11
Thiago V. dos Santos
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: chezmoi: Update to 2.59.0
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kotlin: update to 2.1.10 (#27533)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eza: update to 0.20.18
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yq: Fix checksum mismatch of manpage distfile
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wabt: initial port for the Web Assembly Binary Toolkit
Mark Evenson
- [macports-base] branch master updated: portpkg: set hostArchitectures in Distribution
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ghc: Bugfix build (#27470)
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-fonttools: update to 4.55.7
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 508.0.0 (#27534)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gmic: update to 3.5.2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kops: update to 1.31.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sysutils/[m-z]*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tex/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xapian-core: Update to 1.4.27
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-mode.el: Update to 1.27.0
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-gearman: Update to 2.1.3
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Remove usersxx as maintainer due to inactivity (#27535)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-confection: drop py 3.13, dependency missing
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: FatDriveSorter: 1.3.0
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libtorrent-rasterbar: 2.0.11
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zmap: 4.3.2
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: logtalk: update to 3.88.0
Paulo Moura
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pnetcdf: update to 1.14.0
Thiago V. dos Santos
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-build: Update to 20250127
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gallery-dl: update to 1.28.5
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (13929cb5a83 -> 839620e67d6)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/20: qt6-qtconnectivity: patch for CVE-2025-23050
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/20: codespell: update to 2.4.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/20: libmcfp: update to 1.3.5
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/20: pre-commit: update to 4.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/20: py-cachetools: update to 5.5.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/20: py-identify: update to 2.6.6
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/20: meson,py-meson: update to 1.7.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/20: twine: update to 6.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/20: ugrep: update to 7.2.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/20: vtk-m: update to 2.2.0, add vtk-m-17 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 11/20: pymol{,-devel}: use vtk-m-17 port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 12/20: py-emcee3: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 13/20: py-numdifftools: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 14/20: py-statsmodels: update to 0.14.4, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 15/20: py-patsy: update to 1.0.1, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 16/20: upt: use Python 3.13
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 17/20: py-upt-*: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 18/20: py-spdx{,-lookup}: add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 19/20: py-semver: update to 3.0.4, add py313 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 20/20: py-pymc: switch to PyPI, update checksums
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (839620e67d6 -> ed038ada70e)
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] 01/02: openssl10: Mark EOL
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] 02/02: openssl11: Mark EOL
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: clojure: update to
Jan Trtík
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mise: Update to 2025.1.16
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: age-plugin-se: An Age plugin for Apple's Secure Enclave
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (095df3416bd -> 944a99aef7a)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/10: py-bcrypt: update to 4.2.1, add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 02/10: py-httplib2: add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 03/10: py-paramiko: update to 3.5.0, add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 04/10: py-pynacl: add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 05/10: py-resolvelib: update to 1.1.0, add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 06/10: py-subprocess-tee: update to 0.4.2, add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 07/10: py-ansible-core: update to 2.18.1, add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 08/10: ansible-select: remove defunct ansible-connection executable
- [macports-ports] 09/10: py-ansible: update to 11.1.0, add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] 10/10: py-ansible-compat: update to 24.10.0, add py313 subport
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: textproc/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: www/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: x11/*: set github.tarball_from explicitly
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: github portgroup: update github.tarball_from default
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bind9: update to 9.20.5
Daniel J. Luke
- [macports-guide] branch master updated: guide: update github.tarball_from docs
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bind9.18: update to 9.18.33
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ruby-build: Update to 20250130
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ode: Update to 0.16.6
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Drizzle: Update to 32
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lua-resty-core: Update to 0.1.31
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-fonttools: update to 4.55.8
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lang/wabt: tighten requirements in response to #71968
Mark Evenson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-werkzeug: update to 3.1.3
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (cd384e5cce0 -> 20496ac61e0)
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-tatsu: update to 5.13.1
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-openpyxl: update to 3.1.5
Andrey Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cabal: Bugfix build following #27470
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: update to 5.49
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gitleaks: Update to 8.23.3
Austin Ziegler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: webarchiver: Fix case of WebKit header; add license
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: aescrypt: Delete
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pv: 1.9.31 (#27551)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-flit: add py313 (nomaintainer) (#27552)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: use newer python for new systems (#27517)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-communications: update to 1.2.7
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-image-exiftool, exiftool: update to version 13.17
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-gmpf: update to version 0.53
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-gmpq: update to version 0.57
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-gmpz: update to version 0.62
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-math-mpfr: update to version 4.34
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dart-sdk: update to 3.6.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-text-bibtex: update to version 0.91
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tigervnc: Skip beta versions in livecheck
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Aseprite: Update to 1.3.12
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: unicode: Update to 3.2
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-gearman: Update to 2.1.4
Ryan Carsten Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astropy-iers-data: update to 0.2025.
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: snac: update to 2.70 (#27556)
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-text-csv_xs: update to version 1.60
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop: stealth update
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-asdf: update to 4.1.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: oscar: update to 1.6.0 (#27555)
Mark Anderson
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 23:01:14 UTC 2025
Archived on: Fri Jan 31 23:01:28 UTC 2025
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).