Need a referee - BUG or RFE?

Mark Duling mark.duling at
Tue Oct 3 22:24:19 PDT 2006

Can I get a vote on whether the snippet below from bug 10226 represents a
feature request or a bug?  Being the bug Nazi is a thankless job.  :)

(2) It is a BUG, not an enhancement request. port is not "most programs",
it is a database management system. Any action that changes the database
should be encapsulated in a transaction, and it should be rolled back on
anything but normal completion of the task.
If this facility can't be added to port, then at least trap all aborts and
all error terminations (at least the deactivation of random prerequisities
can occur without an abort), and report "DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! MacPorts
is possibly corrupt! Be prepared for complete loss of functionality in
random programs!"
I don't know enough about port to be able to make concrete suggestions,
but surely there's enough information available for port to make more
specific warnings, and perhaps do some error recovery, even in the case of
the user pushing the panic button.

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