Fixed-width font in commit mails?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Apr 21 01:25:43 PDT 2007

On Apr 18, 2007, at 21:45, Daniel J. Luke wrote:

> On Apr 18, 2007, at 7:15 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Could a fixed-width font be used in the diff section of the commit  
>> mails? That would help columns to align properly.
> you could always view the plain-text alternative in a mailer with a  
> fixed-width font...

Yes, but I do not wish to press the "view plain-text alternative"  
keyboard shortcut every time I open a message from the macports- 
changes list, and I do not want to configure my email program to  
always show the plain-text alternative, because I generally have  
nothing against HTML email. Also, I do not have my email program  
configured to view my plain-text emails in a fixed-width font, nor do  
I want to do that.

If a portfile uses tabs to align columns, then this may or may not  
align properly when viewed in a mail program, depending on the mail  
program's definition of a tabstop. If a portfile uses spaces to align  
columns (which is the preferred method to ensure it looks right  
regardless of the user's editor's tabstop rules -- assuming fixed- 
width fonts in the editor), then it will not look right in any email  
client unless a fixed-width font is used. Therefore, the mail should  
be sent with a fixed-width font specified.

> Otherwise, I think the commit mails are the default SVN::Notify  
> HTML::ColorDiff style. I'm not sure if there's a simple hook to  
> change the font that the CSS sets.

I wanted to play with svnnotify to see if I could find such an  
option, but I don't know how to install it. Is there a MacPorts way  
to install svnnotify?

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