Documentation terminology change

markd at markd at
Tue Aug 7 07:45:19 PDT 2007

I'm trying to clarify conceptually what MacPorts is and how it works in
the new guide.  In the old guide the term "initialization phase" is used
for what I think we may commonly refer to this as the "global section" of
a portfile. 

I don't like the term "initialization phase" because it seems
counterintuitive for many keywords such as "maintainer", "description",
etc.  I prefer to call those "global" keywords, thereby disguishing
between the global port/Portfile stuff and port/Portfile installation
phases.  Seen that way the global part is not termed an installation phase
at all and I like the separation conceptually.  I think this is more clear
and more or less clearly explains the murky relationship between a port
and a Portfile.  To see how I have explained it, see the brief intro in
section "Portfile Introduction" in 4.1 of the new guide.

Does anyone see any problem with this characterization?


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