mtree violations should be debug info,
should not be fatal errors
markd at
markd at
Sat Aug 11 22:25:55 PDT 2007
Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> writes:
>I'm not sure I like that mtree violations are fatal errors. The ports
>that are now failing to install because of mtree violations installed
>just fine in MacPorts 1.5.0. Why should they now fail to install?
>Their content has not changed. Sure, they may be installing things in
>places they shouldn't, but why should we make the user suffer? We
>have a -t switch which informs us about forgotten dependencies in the
>port -- but this does not issue a fatal error. It's just a message
>which portfile authors can use to improve their portfiles. Maybe
>mtree violations could be handled similarly.
>I'm also concerned about needing to specify in the portfile that the
>port intends to violate the mtree. For example, I'm going to have to
>add that to the php5 port, because it wants to install an apache2
>module and the apache2 layout is considered nonstandard. So just
>because I want to install one item in a weird place, I have to turn
>off the mtree violation checks in the entire php5 portfile. It would
>be nicer if port would just issue nonfatal debug messages letting us
>know exactly which files were violating the mtree. This way I could
>assure myself that my port is installing the apache2 module in a
>weird place, yes, but that everything else is being installed in sane
+1 And I still don't know exactly what an mtree violation is.
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