Renaming a port
Adam Mercer
ram at
Thu Dec 6 07:06:44 PST 2007
I would like to rename the 'bazaar-ng' port to simply 'bzr' to match
the name used in most other distributions, the ideal time to do this
would be when version 1.0 is released - in a week or two. The new
name would also make more sense for ports of various bzr plugins I
plan to add.
However I don't simply want to rename the port as this will cause
problems with people who have the current port installed and may not
be aware of the name change. Therefore, in addition to renaming the
port, I would like to add a sort of dummy port that alerts the user
that the port has been renamed. Is there any infrastructure that I
could use, or a recommended approach for this, or would something like
the following suffice?
PortSystem 1.0
name bazaar-ng
version 1.0
categories devel python
platforms darwin
maintainers ram
description The next-generation distributed version control system
long_description ${description}
pre-fetch {
ui_msg "The bazaar-ng port has been renamed to bzr."
return -code error "port has been renamed"
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