Ticket instructions

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at macports.org
Thu Dec 6 20:16:50 PST 2007

On Dec 6, 2007, at 7:14 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> So I've been referring people to this URL for instructions on  
> filing tickets:
> http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/wiki/TracTicketing

	I amended that so that,....

> But that now includes a link to "our official ticketing guidelines"  
> here:
> http://geeklair.net/new_macports_guide/#project.tickets

	Yes, but I should change the link to plain 'macports_guide', no  
'new' moniker.

> If the official guidelines are in the guide, can the wiki page  
> content be completely replaced with a link to the guide? Or is  
> there still information in the wiki page that has not been migrated  
> to the guide?

	I seem to recall I didn't delete all of that page precisely because  
there was still some relevant info there that sill hasn't made it  
into our guide.

> (If so, why hasn't it been migrated?)

	Available time maybe...? ;-)

	In any case, it is our intention to migrate all our official and  
"static" documentation to the guide, and prune the Wiki as that  
happens (which was populated over time with such documentation only  
because our guide and site were dormant). Any help in that chore will  
be more than appreciated! ;-)



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