MacPorts 1.6.0 released!

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at
Mon Dec 17 09:00:56 PST 2007

	Good day everyone!

	I am glad to announce that after a long delay in extensive testing,  
MacPorts 1.6.0 has finally been released! It is available through all  
of our regular channels:

-) selfupdate for existing users;
-) universal pkg installers for both Leopard and Tiger (PPC pkg for  
Panther will be forthcoming);
-) source tarballs for those wanting to install from source;

	Browse over to to learn how to  
use any of the above installation alternatives.

	Quoted below is the contents of our in-source NEWS file, detailing  
what is an amazing MacPorts release, full with even completely  
redesigned and refreshed website and guide. Enjoy and don't hesitate  
to give us as much feedback as you can, following our also revamped  
ticketing guidelines at for  
the proper filing of problem reports at our Trac portal,

	Thanks to everyone who helped make this release such an incredible  
one one, keep up the great work!


=== NEWS ===

What's new:

*) Revived and thoroughly refreshed web presence at 
  , with more improvements still on the way;
*) New project guide at

Overview of Changes from MacPorts 1.5.2 to MacPorts 1.6.0:

# For regular usage:

*) Fixed the "upgrade" target of the port(1) command to properly  
handle installed versions beginning with letters;
*) Improved the "variants" target of the port(1) command to behave  
like the "info" target to poll the requested Portfile directly
    rather than the index for more up-to-date information, while also  
providing a --index flag for legacy behavior;
*) Fixed a bug by which a user specific 'macports.conf' file would not  
be read;
*) Tightened security by installing MacPorts in 0755 mode (no write  
permission for group and others) by default;
*) Added 'none' as a possible option for supported types of  
startupitems scripts;
*) Disabled readline support in interactive mode of the port(1)  
command by deafult;
*) Fixed a bug by which the "variants" target of the port(1) command  
would spit out an error backtrace to the terminal when no match
    was found for the requested port;
*) Revamped the "postflight" script that takes care of setting a  
MacPorts-compatible shell environment after installation from our
    "pkg" is complete; it now gracefully handles the addition of PATH,  
MANPATH and DISPLAY environment variables separately and only
    if strictly needed, properly backing up appropriate shell  
configuration files before proceeding to modify them
for more information);

# Individual port-building related improvements:

*) Eugene Pimenov's GSoC2007 work on improving "trace mode" for the  
building of ports in clean environments, ;
*) Added 'bsdmake' and 'gnumake' defaults for building ports on the  
FreeBSD and Linux platforms;
*) Added 'configureccache' and 'configuredistcc' configuration options  
to the main 'macports.conf' for distributed
    builds (defaulting to no);
*) Improved building of configure-based universal ports on Leopard;
*) Fixed a bug by which the 'universal' variant would disappear if a  
'macosx' variant was selected;
*) Added a 'macosx_deployment_target' option to the main  
'macports.conf' file for ports that benefit form this Mac OS X  
specific flag;
*) Added a 'configurepipe' option to the main 'macports.conf' file for  
using pipes rather than intermediate files when compiling C/C++
    based ports;
*) Removed LD_PREBIND & LD_PREBIND_ALLOW_OVERLAP variables from  
MacPorts' environment to prevent prebinding of binaries, which can be  
    on Tiger and above;

# Packaging related improvements:

*) Created pkg's no longer have /etc, /var/ or /tmp directories in them;
*) Fixed a bug by which all .mpkg packages were missing their welcome  
*) Fixed a bug by which HTML contents were written as a pkg's  
Welcome.rtf file, causing it to not display at all;
*) Made the homepage clickable in a pkg's welcoming screen;
*) Added support lzma compression for archives;
*) Improved pkg & dmg creation on Leopard, for both Intel and PowerPC  
*) Added an 'mdmg' target, for the creation of a dmg for a port and  
its dependencies;
*) Dramatically improved performace of the port(1) command's Portfile  
level actions like "file", "dir", "work" and "url"

# For Portfile writers:

*) Added more compiler suites as options to the 'configure.compiler'  
Portfile option;
*) Added 'configure.fflags' 'configure.fcflags' 'configure.f90flags'  
Portfile options for Fortran based ports;
*) Added 'configure.javac' and 'configure.classpath' Portfile options  
for Java ports;
*) Added 'configure.objc' 'configure.objcflags' Portfile options for  
Objective-C based ports;
*) Added 'build.nice' and '' Portfile options for parallel  
builds and build prioritizing;
*) Added 'startupitem.netchange' boolean flag Portfile option for  
generated startup scripts;
*) Added a "lint" target to the port(1) command, for Portfile  
verification and beautification;
*) Added Portfile group code for Python 3.0 based ports and deprecated  
the plain 'python' group code;
*) Added generic GNU livecheck rules;
*) The "x86" platform has been normalized as "i386";
*) Added a 'use_parallel_build' Portfile option for declaring if a  
particular port can be built in paralel through make's -j flag,
    defaulting to no;
*) Added 'configure.awk', 'configure.bison', 'configure.pkg_config',  
'configure.pkg_config_path' Portfile options to point to the
    relevant programs/paths to use;
*) Added a 'extract.mkdir' Portfile option to better deal with so- 
called "tar bombs";
*) Added a 'configure.pipe' Portfile option for using pipes rather  
than intermediate files when compiling C/C++ based ports;

# For MacPorts scripting:

*) Moved the 'ui_isset' and 'global_option_isset' Tcl procedures for  
testing of the UI and global options to the macports1.0 API
    sparing its clients from having to implement them;
*) Improved defaults for implicit ui_prefix and ui_channels behaviour  
at the macports1.0 layer;

# Miscellaenous:

*) Added MacPorts-configure time checks for Mac OS X and Xcode  
versions and warnings for old versions;
*) Added a 'user-agent' parameters to our libcurl based fetching of  
sources for sites that require a user agent;
*) 'livecheck' regular expressions are now checked against each entry  
in the listed master_site in the Portfile;
*) Fixed regexp in livecheck code to work when there is both a tag and  
a subdir in the mirror uri;
*) Improved the integrated "daemondo" program to better handle the  
death of startupitem-based programs;
*) Added a "--restart-wait=n" argument to the integrated "daemondo"  
program to control the number of seconds to wait during restart of
    the process it is monitoring, defaulting to 3;
*) Enabled building of our objc bridge against GNUStep on platforms  
other than Mac OS X;
*) Added support for packing of MacPorts itself on FreeBSD and Fedora  
*) Added to our list of SourceForge based mirrors for  
sources fetching;
*) Added http mirror sites for the postgresql mirrors list;
*) Added the mirror to the GNU mirrors list;
*) Fixed a bug by which paths with embedded spaces would cause the  
"dp2mp-move" upgrade code to fail when trying to find user specific
    'macports.conf' files;

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