'Lingon' for launchd items (on 10.5)

Boyd Waters bwaters at nrao.edu
Thu Dec 20 09:48:21 PST 2007

On Dec 19, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Markus Weissmann wrote:

> Hi folks,
> does anyone here use 'Lingon' [1] for managing his/her launchd items?
> I'd be interested to hear if this tool rocks -- if so, we could give  
> advice to users to more easily use our launchd items on 10.5. Anyone?


I have used Lingon on 10.4.x, and it helped me get started.

So I think it may be a good tool to learn the launchd options,  
complementing the man pages.

It is a good tool.

I think that after a bit of experience with launchd configuration  
items, the tool is not necessary. I have not yet used Lingon with  

But if you have not played with Lingon, and you're interested in  
launchd items, I'd recommend that you give it a try!


   - boyd

Boyd Waters

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