Python 2.4 vs Python 2.5 and System vs MacPorts python

Jordan K. Hubbard jkh at
Thu Feb 22 11:29:25 PST 2007

This has been an interesting conversation, particularly given some of  
the comments from folks claiming they're facing this scenario in  
commercial / support scenarios where products are based on  
(presumably forwards incompatible) Python version x and unable to  
migrate to Python version y.   Do such people simply bundle Python  
with their applications (I've seen that approach used) or do they  
rely in Framework versioning support?   That's mostly good for  
backwards compatibility but pretty hosed for forwards compatibility  
since Apple didn't really take the Framework approach to its fullest  
and there's really no way to say "I want -framework Foo versionX" at  
the link stage, compiling newer stuff against older bits (you pretty  
much have to go to the trouble of keeping back-rev'd copies of MacOSX  
around for hosting your builds).   How does MacPorts help people with  
this, or does it?

I ask because we're likely going to go with Python 2.5 for Leopard  
(not in the seeds yet, but soon) and there's still time to rethink  
that decision if it's really going to hose people.

- Jordan

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