Update ports to use gcc42?

Randall Wood rhwood at mac.com
Sun May 20 03:04:25 PDT 2007

In that case, I am for pulling them all to gcc42 if that continues to  

On 20 May 2007, at 05:59, Elias Pipping wrote:

> I believe the ports below depend on gcc40 rather than /usr/bin/gcc  
> because they require a fortran compiler.
> Regards,
> Elias
> On May 20, 2007, at 11:52 AM, Randall Wood wrote:
>> I think that every port that depends on any version of gcc 4 in  
>> 10.4 should be tested against the version of gcc 4 that is bundled  
>> with XCode. If that works, then make building against our gcc 4 a  
>> 10.3-only requirement.
>> On 20 May 2007, at 03:39, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> Now that gcc42 is a final release, what should be done with all  
>>> the ports that depend on gcc41? Should they be updated to require  
>>> gcc42 instead? It's not very many ports:
>>> devel/lua-numlua
>>> gnustep/gnustep-base
>>> gnustep/gnustep-make
>>> lang/ftidy
>>> python/py-numpy/Portfile
>>> textproc/pdftk
>>> There are also a few still using gcc40:
>>> lang/ftidy
>>> math/GiNaC
>>> math/R
>>> math/fftw-3-single
>>> math/fftw-3
>>> math/nestedsums
>>> math/octave-forge
>>> math/octave
>>> science/libnc-dap
>>> science/xloops
>>> www/varnish
>>> x11/fluxbox
>>> Assuming gcc42 is capable of building each of the above ports,  
>>> and that the port authors update these ports to use gcc42, is  
>>> there a need to keep these old versions of gcc around? It's  
>>> annoying enough for the user to have to spend a couple hours on  
>>> an Intel Mac, or many many hours on a slower PowerPC, to compile  
>>> a single version of gcc. It would be even more annoying if the  
>>> user wanted to use various different ports, each of which  
>>> required a different version of gcc.
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>> Randall Wood
>> rhwood at mac.com
>> http://shyramblings.blogspot.com
>> "The rules are simple: The ball is round. The game lasts 90  
>> minutes. All the
>> rest is just philosophy."
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Randall Wood
rhwood at mac.com

"The rules are simple: The ball is round. The game lasts 90 minutes.  
All the
rest is just philosophy."

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