Small bug in ports.php

Juan Manuel Palacios jmpp at
Sun Nov 25 18:35:07 PST 2007

On Nov 25, 2007, at 2:33 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

>> PortIndex2MySQL: PortIndex2MySQL.tcl
>>        ${edit} $< > $@
> Adding
> 	chmod 755 $@
> after that line seems to work.

	Thanks for that hint, I'll give it a try.
>> 	The script needs to refresh the ports tree in order to regen the  
>> db with up-to-date information, so a 'sync' operation fits the  
>> bill... and while at it, I thought why not go all the way and  
>> simply call out to "selfupdate" ;-). Depending on your setup, yes,  
>> you might need root powers to do that (either sync and/or  
>> selfupdate).
> My feeling is that this is "PortIndex2MySQL". It's not  
> "SelfUpdateThenPortIndex2MySQL". Especially on my local machine,  
> where I just want any information about the ports in MySQL and don't  
> care if it's up to date because I'm just testing the web site code,  
> I don't want to be forced to sync or selfupdate every time,  
> especially because that requires root (on my setup and I expect on  
> most others), and a MySQL import script should not require root.  
> I'll comment out the selfupdate step locally for now.

	The best route in that case is definitely to comment out selfupdate  
(or the equivalent sync), which is indeed what I do when I test the  
script over and over. But understand that on the website the ports  
information has to be always up to date, so, again, a sync operation  
fits the bill.

>> 	The most recent version of the script in svn is using localhost,  
>> DuBois has taught me well so I changed that a while ago ;-) You  
>> must be using an outdated version.
> Gah! I was on the release_1_6 branch. :)

	Yeah, I've been working on in on trunk and therefore what's in  
release_1_6 now is out of date. I'll be remerging soon.



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