pgpool & pgpool-II

William Siegrist wsiegrist at
Thu Feb 28 13:17:44 PST 2008

mww, the pgpool maintainer, is busy, so I'm sending this out for  
broader discussion...

There is a port for pgpool, but there has been a rewrite of that  
project into what is being called pgpool-II. They create some of the  
same binaries, but since one is a rewrite of the other, should they be  
kept as separate ports? I believe pgpool-II has all of the features of  
pgpool and supersedes it, but maybe someone still wants pgpool around.  
I would like to use pgpool-II of course.

I have a rudimentary Portfile which works for pgpool-II. So should I  
also come up with a patch for pgpool to separate out the binary  
directories so the two ports dont overwrite each other (similar to how  
postgresql is kept separate)? Or should I make a patch for pgpool's  
port which treats pgpool-II as the latest/current version and keep  
them as 1 port?


William Siegrist
Software Support Engineer
Mac OS Forge
wsiegrist at
408 862 7337

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