Error __THE_PROCESS_HAS_FORKED... in test case for pextlib, idea anyone?

Caspar Florian Ebeling febeling at
Sun Jun 15 10:57:04 PDT 2008

I'm playing with the commands from pextlib in plain small test-case
like scripts to figure out things. I ran across an odd error message
I don't really understand.

The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation
functionality safely. You MUST exec().
to debug.
[and 16 more times the same 2-line message]

Googling revealed this got to do with a restriction on what forked-off
processes are allowed to do with Core Foundation API calls.

This mail list post was informative:

What I don't understand is how the port script itself avoids
this message. Is it simply collected and thrown away? Also,
I find it curious that I see the message 17 times, when I call "system"
only once?


Florian Ebeling
florian.ebeling at

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