Important: MacPorts PortMgr Changes

C. Florian Ebeling febeling at
Wed Oct 8 00:40:35 PDT 2008

> In short, if we agree to the plan Markus, Juan and James
> proposed and open up the floor for nominations for PortMgr
> membership, I would be honored to accept your nomination. :-)

Ok, then I hereby officially nominate you :) I wanted to do that

Also I would like to nominate the following members
(alphabetically ordered):
- Bryan Blackburn
- Rainer Mueller
- Joshua Root

Do the nominees accept the nomination? :)

All this provided that the suggested plan is accepted.
I don't know how we can officially establish acceptance
for such a plan, but I think there was largely consent,
so we should assume it is accepted. Am I wrong?

By the way, who was meant to be able to vote eventually?
All users or mailing list participants, or just maintainers/


Florian Ebeling
florian.ebeling at
febeling at

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