Important: MacPorts PortMgr Changes

Rainer Müller raimue at
Wed Oct 8 04:04:40 PDT 2008

James Berry wrote:
> So we want to propose some ideas to get new leadership blood into  
> MacPorts, while retaining the systemic knowledge and continuity that  
> our continued presence can allow. We therefore want to put the  
> following plan forward for community comment (and hopefully,  
> thereafter, implementation):
> (1) That the MacPorts community elect a new slate of PortMgr  
> individuals, probably three people, to continue to guide day-to-day  
> MacPorts operations and direction.

I think it would be good to add a time limitation to the PortMgr status.
I propose to elect PortMgrs for the period of a year and hold a new
election every year.

This would allow existing PortMgrs to easily step back if they no longer
have much time for the project.

> (2) That the three of us move into an Elder-council ("advisory board",  
> "trustees", "steering committee", etc), which will continue to help  
> out and give guidance as needed, and watch over the long-term health  
> of MacPorts assets such as domains and finances.

I like this idea. Your experience and advice is still valuable!


PS: It took some time to write this mail as I was a bit busy last week,
but finally I managed to do so.

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