[MacPorts] #19232: RFE: Have gdbm use the muniversal PortGroup

Marcus Calhoun-Lopez mcalhoun at macports.org
Tue Apr 7 17:04:52 PDT 2009

Rainer Müller <raimue at ...> writes:

> In my opinion there is no point in using muniversal if the existing
> default variant already works. What would be the benefit of using that?
> It just clutters the Portfile and makes it less readable.

The default universal variant works for gdbm as far as I can tell,
but the muniversal PortGroup is much better at catching problems
than I am.

mpfr, for example, builds differently with muniversal than the default
because of a variable HAVE_LDOUBLE_IEEE_EXT_LITTLE.
This would have been extremely difficult to have found without separate builds.

The strategy employed by muniversal (separate builds for each architectures)
takes much of the tedium out of finding problems in universal builds.


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