[47019] trunk/dports/sysutils/zmq/Portfile

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Feb 20 02:54:09 PST 2009

On Feb 20, 2009, at 01:13, Anders F Björklund wrote:

> Rainer Müller wrote:
>>>  variant python description {build Python language binding} {
>>> -    depends_lib-append     port:python26
>>> +    depends_lib-append     port:python_select
>>>      configure.args-append  --with-python
>>>  }
>> As Bryan already pointed out, python_select itself does not depend on
>> any python version, so this dependency is not going to work. There is
>> currently no better way than picking a specific python version.
> python_select does provide a "python" binary. It does this by using
> pythonXY-apple, probably not a _good_ idea but it should "work"...
> If you do pick a specific python version, then you need to patch out
> "python" with "pythonX.Y" everywhere - which might be very tedious.

Perhaps tedious, but isn't it the only correct solution?

Imagine I want to use port foo which requires python 2.5, and I also  
want to use port bar which requires python 2.4. If both ports use  
"python" (or "${prefix}/bin/python") then one or the other will break  
regardless of what I python_select, not to mention that as a user of  
foo or bar I don't want to have to python_select anything; I just  
want it to work out of the box.

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