bin/foo or bin/foo-x.y?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri Jan 2 18:04:08 PST 2009

On Jan 2, 2009, at 06:30, Akira Kitada wrote:

> How should I avoid conflict when there are two or more ports
> installing the same file to the same path?
> For Python ports, there seems to be a convension that a port that's
> considered to be "default version" takes the name bin/foo,
> and ones of other versions use bin/foo-x.y.
> Is this still valid convension? If so, how can I know what version of
> Python is "default"?

For the specific case of python{24,25,26,30}, none of these installs $ 
{prefix}/bin/python. The python_select port does install this, as a  
symlink, pointing to whatever binary version of Python you instruct  
it to.

If your question is about software other than Python, what port(s)  
are they?

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