Geomview port does not work with xorg-libs of MacPorts

Raphael Straub raphael at
Thu Jan 22 11:30:19 PST 2009

Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
> Looks like #17558

Yes, it seems to be a similar problem.

> Did you actually do a 'sudo port -v upgrade outdated' ?

I first only upgraded geomview and all its dependencies. But even now,  
after upgrading all outdated ports, I still have the same problems.

> If you still have the same linking issues, go into /opt/local/lib  
> and figure out what libs are still linking against /usr/X11/lib/*.

Yes, some libraries in ${prefix}/lib are still linked against /usr/X11/ 
lib/*. For example, libXm.4.0.1.dylib (openmotif) and libXaw3d. 
8.0.dylib (Xaw3d). In both cases a complete rebuild of these libraries  
does not help.

Can anybody confirm these issues or this just my MacPorts  
installation? I have MacPorts 1.7 with Xcode 3.1.2 on a MacBook Pro  
Core Duo with Mac OS X 10.5.6. The only non-standard parts of my  
MacPorts configuration are a different ${prefix} and a different  
install user and group.

Raphael Straub                              E-Mail: raphael at
Universität Karlsruhe                       Tel.  : +49 721 608-4383
Institut für Betriebs- und Dialogsysteme    Fax   : +49 721 608-8330
Am Fasanengarten 5, 76128 Karlsruhe         Geb. 50.34, Raum 127

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