[51868] trunk/dports/devel/git-core/Portfile

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Jun 5 13:49:51 PDT 2009

On Jun 5, 2009, at 15:38, toby at macports.org wrote:

> -livecheck.check         regex
> +livecheck.type          regex

You can't change livecheck.check to livecheck.type just yet, because  
livecheck.type is only in trunk. Users of 1.7.x will now see:

Can't map the URL 'file://.' to a port description file ("invalid  
command name "livecheck.type"").
Please verify that the directory and portfile syntax are correct.
To use the current port, you must be in a port's directory.
(you might also see this message if a pseudo-port such as
outdated or installed expands to no ports).

As with svn.revision, I must ask: why have we set up port lint to  
state that livecheck.check is deprecated, when *it is not deprecated  
yet*? I love that we have fixed the naming of svn.tag and  
livecheck.check, but we *cannot* mark an old feature as deprecated  
until we release a version of the software containing the replacement  

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