Installing MacPorts on a pure Darwin x86 64 bits system

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Jun 23 13:15:25 PDT 2009

On Jun 23, 2009, at 14:56, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> On Jun 23, 2009, at 5:32 AM, Jean-Michel Pouré wrote:
>> Most of us are using MacOsX. We cannot run multiple computers at  
>> the same time. It costs too much time and energy.
> So, you say you're running Mac OS X, which is the target platform  
> for MacPorts.  Where's the problem?

Yes, I did not quite understand the premise of the original email  
either. If I understood correctly that your goal is to test software  
on multiple versions of OS, but it is too much effort to maintain  
multiple versions of Mac OS X, then I don't understand why it's any  
easier to maintain multiple versions of Darwin.

I have a Power Mac G4 with hard drive partitions for four versions of  
Mac OS X and other than wishing I had more space available on some of  
the partitions I don't have any problems managing them.

>> Is there a suitable way to install MacPorts on a pure Darwin system?
> I wish I knew what people meant when they said "pure Darwin" these  
> days since, AFAIK, such a thing does not actually exist.

Possibly this?

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