Deprecating port list

Rainer Müller raimue at
Tue Mar 24 20:41:24 PDT 2009

Rainer Müller wrote:
> On 14.03.2009 9:15 Uhr, Neil wrote:
>> Why not send "The following ports are currently installed:" to stderr?
> Hm, stderr and stdout do not have to be synchron, I am not sure it is a
> good idea to mix them for this purpose.
> Recently I added a wrapper around isatty(3) which is already used in
> port. It decides if the output is a tty or a pipe/file. I will look into
> removing the header if the output is not a tty.

I decided that this would be bad behavior. It would make it impossible
to capture the port output. For example, think of commands like
"port ... | tee foo.log" or "port ... >foo.log".

Instead, the headers are no longer printed if you are using the quiet
flag, "port -q". I hope this is a good compromise and should satisfy all.


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