overriding the checksum phase (was: [48686] trunk/dports/databases/libpqxx/Portfile)

Eric Hall opendarwin.org at darkart.com
Fri Mar 27 11:15:32 PDT 2009

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 06:23:33AM -0500, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 06:19, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> >Wouldn't you say that no port should ever override the checksum  
> >phase? If there are distfiles, their checksums must be validated,  
> >and if there are no distfiles, then the checksum phase won't get  
> >run anyway.
> >
> >Same with the extract phase.
> Same with the fetch phase.
> $ grep '^fetch[[:space:]]*{[[:space:]]*}' */*/Portfile
> databases/postgresql80-server/Portfile:fetch    {}
> databases/postgresql81-server/Portfile:fetch    {}
> databases/postgresql82-server/Portfile:fetch    {}
> databases/postgresql83-server/Portfile:fetch    {}

[snip list of ports...]

	Some of the ports listed don't have any files
they download and install, for example the postgres8?-server
ports create the user+group and startup item for the
DB engine, the dependency (port:postgresql8?) installs
all of the files, etc.  Thus the NULL fetch, checksum, etc.
phases are valid for these ports.  Is there a better way
to indicate that the ports don't have anything to fetch, etc.?


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