The next MacPorts management

Darren Weber dweber at
Fri Oct 9 12:14:30 PDT 2009

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 11:12 PM, Bryan Blackburn <blb at> wrote:

> It's been about a year since the new portmgr has been around, so I believe
> that means it's about time to start looking at the next year's portmgr.
> In the past, it was usually voted upon [1], and I figured that would be the
> same basic idea for this time as well.  When it was done then, only
> committers were allowed to vote, but personally I think everyone involved
> in
> one way or another should be able to do so instead.
> The questions are, then, how do we want to do this, when, and after that's
> decided, who wants to run?

Sounds like MacPorts has no specific policy on the process, yet.  Or is
there a wiki page about this somewhere?

Does a term correspond to a fixed calendar date or interval?

Is it possible for current "office bearers" to nominate for another term?

Are self nominations accepted?

Take care,
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