request for review of tickets 21468/22106

Jack Howarth howarth at
Thu Oct 15 19:17:02 PDT 2009

   Now that pymol is in MacPorts, the apbs/apbs-mpi
packages need to be added to allow pymol's APBS-tool
to create electrostatic potential maps. The apbs
and apbs-mpi packages are subimitted as...

The apbs package provides the non-mpi version required
by pymol and also provides the python support for apbs
(which isn't compatible with the mpi build of apbs).
The apbs-mpi package provides the openmpi version of
apbs for parallel calculations of electrostatic 
potential maps. Thanks in advance for any reviews.
ps I have added instructions for running the
APBS Tool in pymol to the apbs ticket to add
in testing apbs.

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