Clues for the Clueless?

Michael Crawford mdcrawford at
Sat Oct 17 11:47:54 PDT 2009

On 10/17/09, Joshua Root <jmr at> wrote:
> On 2009-10-18 05:05, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
>> Incidentally, Carbon doesn't exist in Snow Leopard (10.6).
> Not so, it's still all there in 32-bit mode, and in fact it still exists
> in 64-bit mode, there's just a lot less of it compared to the 32-bit
> version (all the bits that were deprecated as of Tiger are gone). The
> situation is actually effectively the same as on Leopard, except that
> 64-bit is now the default.

One of the benefits of a cross-platform application like ZooLib is
that the OS-specific layer can be reimplemented when the OS vendor
removes or screws up APIs that you need.

Work has been going on to add a Cocoa layer to ZooLib, in addition to
the Carbon layer.  That would enable 64-bit ZooLib apps with little or
no change to the client code.

It would also enable ZooLib apps to run on the iPhone, with client
code written in pure C++.  One could mix Objective-C into the client
code, but one wouldn't have to.

ZooLib's principle author wrote ZooLib at first to insulate himself
from what he calls "Apple's API du Jour".  Does anyone here remember
Bedrock?  It was Bedrock that inspired ZooLib.

Michael David Crawford
mdcrawford at gmail dot com

   GoingWare's Bag of Programming Tricks

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