[RFC] fortran PortGroup

Maximilian Nickel mnick at macports.org
Fri Sep 11 16:05:12 PDT 2009

since all the ports that depend on fortran either drown in gcc
variants or don't create variants for all gcc/g95 versions i've
decided to create a litte PortGroup for
ports that need fortran.
The file for the PortGroup is attached and it would be great to have
some comments/thoughts on it. It looks a bit messy as i've decided to
go down the metaprogramming path and not explicitly write down every
variant. I'm by no means a Tcl expert so maybe all this can be
achieved a lot easier, but that's the version i've come up with that

Usage of the group would be something like
PortGroup       fortran 1.0

fortran versions that should be explicitly disabled can be stated as
arguments to fortran.setup (what might be a bit unintuitive).
Error handling and other reasonableness is missing.

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