Portfile redaction question

vincent habchi vince at macports.org
Thu Sep 24 09:51:17 PDT 2009

Hi there,

for an upcoming port (qgis), I need to tweak the build process. The  
building process unfolds this way: extract, create a build directory  
at the base of the extract tree, cd into it and call "cmake ..".

So I wrote this:

post-extract	{
	system  	"cd ${worksrcpath} && mkdir build"
	worksrcdir	${worksrcdir}/build

It works like a charm for a standard monolithic install (port  
install). But if I do it in two phases (e.g. port configure then port  
build), it fails, because the post-extract block is not executed  
twice, so ${worksrcdir} value is wrong during port build.

Is there any elegant way to solve this?


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