[65087] trunk/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Sat Apr 3 00:29:26 PDT 2010

On 2010-4-3 18:17 , Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
> the proto packages have no arch, so they're marked:
> universal_variant no
> xorg-server depends on these protos.  I want to install it +universal, and base aborts because it can't satisfy the proto dependencies as +universal.
> Do noarch ports need to be updated again in a way other than 'universal_variant no'?  If so, how should we do that?  I searched macports-dev and came up empty.  grepping dports for "noarch" showed nothing useful either.  Looking at your 
> patch, it looks like we have to force the build arch to "noarch" in these packages.  Is that right?  Are we going to have to revbump all these packages (X11 protos, data files, perl and python scripts, etc) for this?

There is no way to mark a port as being noarch in 1.8. In trunk there is
the supported_archs option. I gave a code snippet that is compatible
with both 1.8 and trunk in my previous reply:

if {[info exists supported_archs]} {
    supported_archs noarch

No rev bump required.

- Josh

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