GSoC - Dynamic Libraries

Jordan Schneider witepa at
Wed Apr 7 23:30:47 PDT 2010

On Apr 7, 2010, at 10:20 PM, Joshua Root wrote:

> Currently you have to clean --archive or
> otherwise delete the archive file or it will just be unpacked instead of
> building the port again. If we merge images-and-archives then the
> archive will go away when the port is uninstalled.

The archive would ideally be recreated in this case. I read the ticket #19458 about merging images and archives, and I agree with the advantages, and overall it would simplify the code base. However, would we also consider rebuilding old images/archives?

This again raises the question of default behavior. I understand that the command should remain non-interactive, but when rev-upgrade isn't explicitly called (say when a dynamic library is updated, and it's necessary dependents automatically get rebuild), would it be intrusive to replace one's binary archives or simply rebuild one's ports by default?

> This ties in with binary distribution and MPAB as well. If the linking
> is broken for an archive we have available on the server, we need to
> build a new revision.

Would MPAB just need to have it's snapshot be consistent at any given time or would it require a separate revision number for each port rebuild? In the latter case, I might want to consider building some support for automating the change of revision number rather than delegating it to MPAB to keep everything consistent.

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