How to handle Case-sensitive files?

Michael Dickens michaelld at
Wed Jun 23 15:55:13 PDT 2010

> This is a known problem with the flat registry,
> <>. Try switching to sqlite.

Ah; in my search for "case sensitive" I didn't go back that far (just to
around ticket 20000 or so, which I thought would be far enough) :) 
Thank you for pointing that out.

I -hope- that this flat / sqlite issue is documented somewhere easily
searchable.  Yet a brief effort using various combinations of "macports
flat sqlite case-sensitive" found nothing except the ChangeLog, which
really isn't that useful for the average user.  I think those tickets I
noted before would benefit from this knowledge ...

Is it possible to add a check into the code: if the file system is flat
& then if a file of the same name has already been added (for this port
being activated, or some other port), and if for this port, then print
out a warning about this issues & how it might effect upgrading or
removing the port & how to move to using sqlite?  Or, something to that
effect -- just some obvious warning so that I, as the end user, might
have a clue of the issue and what to do about it.  That would be greatly
useful for folks such as myself who really have no idea of the inner
workings of 'port' and MacPorts in general. - MLD

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