python portfile issue with running twice

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Sep 28 15:17:55 PDT 2010

On Sep 28, 2010, at 16:59, Frank Schima wrote:
> On Sep 28, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Why don't you show us what errors you're getting when using the python portgroups as written.
> running build_ext
> customize UnixCCompiler
> customize UnixCCompiler using build_ext
> customize NAGFCompiler
> Could not locate executable f95
> customize AbsoftFCompiler
> Could not locate executable f90
> Could not locate executable f77
> customize IBMFCompiler
> Could not locate executable xlf90
> Could not locate executable xlf
> customize IntelFCompiler
> Could not locate executable ifort
> Could not locate executable ifc
> customize GnuFCompiler
> Could not locate executable g77
> customize Gnu95FCompiler
> Could not locate executable gfortran
> don't know how to compile Fortran code on platform 'posix'
> warning: build_ext: f77_compiler=None is not available.
> building 'usadel1._solvercore' extension
> error: extension 'usadel1._solvercore' has Fortran sources but no Fortran compiler found
> shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_mports_trunk_dports_python_py26-usadel/work/usadel1-" && /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/python2.6 --no-user-cfg build " returned error 1
> Error: Target returned: shell command failed
> Warning: the following items did not execute (for py26-usadel1): org.macports.activate org.macports.destroot org.macports.install
> The first command is supposed to select the fortran compiler. But I cannot get it to recognize the gcc44 fortran compiler. This is my attempt after fixing the portfile:
> build {
>     system "cd ${worksrcpath}; ${python.bin} ${worksrcpath}/ config_fc --fcompiler=gfortran-mp-4.4 --noarch build"
>     system "cd ${worksrcpath}; ${python.bin} ${worksrcpath}/ install --skip-build"
> }

You most likely do not want to run " install" in the build phase, as already discussed. Let that happen in the destroot phase via the portgroup.

Sounds like you don't need to override the build phase at all; you just want to add some build.args.

build.args-append --fcompiler=something

> it returns this error:
> running build_ext
> customize UnixCCompiler
> customize UnixCCompiler using build_ext
> don't know how to compile Fortran code on platform 'posix' with 'gfortran-mp-4.4' compiler. Supported compilers are: intelvem,none,absoft,compaq,gnu,vast,sun,nag,lahey,intelem,gnu95,intelv,g95,intele,pg,intel,mips,hpux,intelev,ibm)
> warning: build_ext: f77_compiler=gfortran-mp-4.4 is not available.
> building 'usadel1._solvercore' extension
> error: extension 'usadel1._solvercore' has Fortran sources but no Fortran compiler found

As it says above, and again in their documentation (in doc/src/, they have a list of valid fortran compilers, and of course "gfortran-mp-4.4" isn't in that list.

I was able to get it work by using --fcompiler=gnu95 and specifying the path to the fortran compiler in the F90 environment variable, so try:

build.args-append --fcompiler=g95
build.env-append F90=${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.4

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