So many formats, So few packages

Jordan K. Hubbard jkh at
Mon Apr 11 14:52:08 PDT 2011

On Apr 11, 2011, at 6:18 AM, Jeff Johnson wrote:

> You seem to be asking where you can read about how Mac OS X uses UUID's, and
> you'll have to ask Jordan about that. I can describe how UUID's are being generated
> in RPM metadata if you wish. How the UUID is generated by RPM isn't as important that
> UUID's can be generated by others in the same fashion, or by using the same tool.

I covered some of the "how they're used" questions in my previous email, but I realize that I didn't touch on how they're generated.  On Mac OS X, this is very simple:

jkh at hosebox-> uuidgen 

A timestamp is one of the datum which goes into this value, helping to assure that it's always unique.

- Jordan

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