buildbot questions

Marko Käning MK-MacPorts at
Tue Aug 2 12:58:41 PDT 2011

Here is my slightly adapted version:

     from buildbot.status.builder import Results
     def messageFormatter(mode, name, build, results, master_status):
         result = Results[results]
         text = list()
         text.append("STATUS: %s" % result.title())
         return {
             'body' : "\n".join(text),
             'type' : 'plain'
     mn = MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot at",


Lookup is now on, i.e. the responsible port owner should be getting the corresponding short message.
I guess one would have to write a short python routine now to filter out the error message lines from the result object.
But the above should already work.

If this works out we could enhance the output with another formatter, like perhaps the one given in the manual:
     def html_message_formatter(mode, name, build, results, master_status):
         """Provide a customized message to BuildBot's MailNotifier.

To test this we'd need to know whether buildbot is a valid user at and the question is whether choosing "" as the value for parameter lookup is correct.

I figure one could test this all by simply committing it to SVN…
But I am afraid I shouldn't do this on my own and rather wait for review from William, Jeremy, and Joshua. 

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