New HowTo: Sharing Archives

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Aug 3 01:07:36 PDT 2011

On Aug 3, 2011, at 00:06, Arno Hautala wrote:

> I've just published a new HowTo on the Wiki regarding signing and
> sharing archives under MacPorts 2.

You're talking about this:

> I'd appreciate a few eyes looking over it for accuracy and clarity.
> Specifically, anything that needs to, or could, be clarified or
> trimmed.
> It's a bit lengthy, but the majority of that are inline file contents.
> I think overall, it's pretty straightforward. But, please, tear it to pieces.

The document suggests that users should put keys in /usr/local/share/macports. While this probably won't cause any problems, it directly conflicts with the mantra we have to repeat several times daily in tickets: that users should never have anything in /usr/local or risk experiencing confusing errors. Please pick a different suggested location for the keys that is not within /usr/local.

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