Naming Scheme for MacPorts Octave versions

Michael Dickens michaelld at
Tue Dec 13 06:55:33 PST 2011

On Dec 13, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Lukas Reichlin wrote:

  As octave 3.4 (and beyond) has its own package manager with
  automatic download, I think we can just delete all the
  MacPorts octave packages. They are out of date and noone wants
  to do the updating work. This way we have an up-to-date octave
  and people can install recent packages with "pkg install
  -forge packagename" as they do it now for "octave-devel".

That's another solution, and IMHO would be fine since all of the
octave packages currently in MacPorts are "nomaintainer".  If
nobody is going to actively maintain the octave ports (I call my
maintenance "occasional"), then the fewer ports the better.

Lukas: When you do a "pkg install -forge packagename", where does
the package get installed?  I assume it must be some "local to
the user" directory, and not somewhere in MacPorts' ${prefix}?

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