libpng again

Joshua Root jmr at
Sat Feb 12 22:04:57 PST 2011

On 2011-2-13 16:47 , Ryan Stonecipher wrote:
> Team,
> libpng 1.5.1 has been released.
> The transition to from libpng 1.2.x to 1.4.x was pretty rough due to a
> lot of indirect dependents requiring revision bumps.
> To make the transition from 1.4.x to 1.5.x go more smoothly, I would
> appreciate help compiling a complete list of all ports which will need
> their revisions increased.
> I have created ticket 28385 <> to
> help track libpng-dependent ports requiring revision bumps.
> So far I have included in that ticket a list of ports from (1) commits
> with "libpng" in the commit message and (2) bugs with  "libpng" in the
> description.
> If any of you know of other bug reports or committed rev-bumps related
> to libpng, please let me know in that ticket.

Libpng 1.4-1.5 is probably going to be a rougher transition than
1.2-1.4. As per the home page, it makes png_struct and png_info private,
which is going to break a whole lot of software that uses them directly,
and is harder to fix than the relatively minor renaming that was mostly
all that was needed for 1.4.

Waiting a year might actually be justified this time. I'd want
confirmation that at least the "important" ports (whatever that means)
build with 1.5 before committing the update.

- Josh

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