MacPorts 2.0.0-beta2 now available for testing

Joshua Root jmr at
Tue Jul 5 15:08:54 PDT 2011

Source code and disk images for MacPorts 2.0.0-beta2 are now
available [1]. Testing of either of these install methods is helpful.

While there are no known regressions from 1.9.2 at this point, be
prepared to encounter bugs. Please report any that you find [2] (after
first searching Trac [3], of course!)

There are a large number of changes in this release. See the ChangeLog
[4] for a list of most of them. You may like to focus your testing on
the new features in that list, as well as your normal usage.

Notable changes since beta1 are:
 * pubkeys.conf is now created by the pkg installer
 * macports.conf.default and sources.conf.default are set up to use
   digital signatures with sync and selfupdate (existing config files
   will not be automatically modified at this time)
 * fixed a minor issue with autoclean when running with dropped
 * negative default variants are now displayed correctly
 * the nonexistence of the configured macportsuser is now handled
 * the user is created with home dir /var/empty rather than /dev/null
 * a more appropriate default compiler will be chosen when using some
   versions of Xcode.


[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>
[4] <>

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