How to introduce a call to kbuildsycoca4 in a kde port

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon Mar 14 16:32:15 PDT 2011

On Mar 14, 2011, at 16:41, Marko Käning wrote:

> I had already a second time the case that I needed to call kbuildsycoca4 after installing the kde port skrooge.
> How can one handle this within the port file?
> is 
> post-destroot {
> 	system "kbuildsycoca4"
> } 
> sufficient?

I'm not familiar with that tool... What does it do? Does it help this port to build in some way? If so does it perhaps need to be in a particular directory? If so you will want to "cd" there first.

For extra safety, you will also want to specify the full path.

So perhaps you want:

post-destroot {
	system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ${prefix}/bin/kbuildsycoca4"

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