Upgrade phonon

Michael Dickens michaelld at macports.org
Thu Nov 3 17:49:34 PDT 2011

Hi Nicolas - Nice to know that Phonon is still being updated; I haven't looked at it in a long time.  We (I) split off Phonon from qt4-mac because that provided by KDE is more up-to-date.  But, as you probably found out, it required a lot of hacking to get Qt's additions to build within the updated Phonon.  I did try your updated Portfile, and it works just fine -- except that it doesn't compile / provide the same Qt plugins (backends) as that provided by qt4-mac.  Meaning, the QuickTime7 (qt7) plugin.  And, there are other backends available < http://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/kde/stable/phonon/ >, for those interested: DirectShow, VLC, GStreamer, and Xine.  I don't know what can be made to work with MacPorts / OSX / Darwin, but I doubt that we'll get the qt7 backend working without hacking it up like I did with the current Phonon.  Admittedly, I don't know if anyone cares to use -any- of these backends ... and if not, then that makes the portfile pretty simple.  I think you can even get rid of the post-destroot, since the FindPhonon.cmake file is installed correctly (into a location where the KDE portgroup will search for it; not where the Qt portgroup will search for it, but I doubt that matters much).  Thanks for looking into this. - MLD

On Nov 3, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Nicolas Pavillon wrote:
> I noticed that phonon was quite behind in terms of version (4.4.2, from more than one year). I looked into in order to upgrade it, but as it implies a lot of changes in the Portfile, I would prefer to have it reviewed before committing it (cf. diff file attached). 
> It is now possible to use directly the cmake group to ease compilation and simplify greatly the Portfile, and I could successfully build kdelibs4 by linking to this new version. 

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