buildbot failure in MacPorts on buildports-snowleopard-x86_64

Joshua Root jmr at
Sat Nov 19 01:45:47 PST 2011

On 2011-11-19 19:23 , Marko Käning wrote:
> On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:57 PM, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
>> Buildbot always keeps successfully copies locally.
>> If the license for the package permits distribution, it'll make it
>> available on
> How come that KDE3 ports are kept, but KDE4 ports are not kept there? Does their license GPL-2 not permit that?
> Same for aqbanking5 for instance: {GPL-2 OpenSSLException}...

Run this script:


Like so:

./port_binary_distributable.tcl -v <portname>

This output is shown in the "gather distributable archives" step on the

In the case of aqbanking5, gmp is LGPL-3 which conflicts with GPL-2.

- Josh

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