Releasing 2.0.3

Joshua Root jmr at
Tue Sep 6 04:40:01 PDT 2011

On 2011-9-6 18:06 , Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Rainer Müller wrote:
>>> The release process doesn't tell me how to create the .asc files. How did you do it? (Can you update the document?)
>> They are detached signatures created with GnuPG:
>>  gpg --armor --detach-sign MacPorts-2.0.3-10.5-Leopard.dmg
>> Of course this requires a previous set up of a PGP key which would be
>> quite useless without signatures proofing your identify.
> Wouldn't you also need GnuPG, in order to verify it ?
> Like, before installing MacPorts.

Yes. This is for the benefit of the minority that knows how to use GPG
and has it installed already. Downloading base over https should be
enough assurance for the rest, I think.

- Josh

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