macports fetch suggestion

Joshua Root jmr at
Mon Sep 12 09:04:10 PDT 2011

On 2011-9-12 23:24 , Arno Hautala wrote:
> I'm not that familiar with base either, but I think one improvement
> would be finer grained locking. It seems right now that only one
> install or fetch command can be run at a time. But, it would seem to
> me that these could be independently locked. You don't want to build
> with multiple threads, but it should be fine to build one task, while
> another task fetches. One issue could be if a database is updated
> after the fetch which impacts a subsequent build task that has already
> read the database. There's still probably plenty of race conditions
> that would need to be examined, but finer grained locking might be an
> easier step towards the goal.

Indeed. Patches welcome. :-)

- Josh

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