Python portgroup

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Sep 18 23:49:11 PDT 2011

On Sep 19, 2011, at 00:18, Mike Savory wrote:
> So when you say the port group has some comments, do you mean this?
> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/

Yes that's the portgroup file.

> The original port that I am really interested in is called scapy and it depends on python 2.5, there is also a py26-scapy that runs on python 2.6 (this also needs upgrading to the latest scapy version 2.2.0 )
> $ port search scapy
> py26-scapy @2.1.0 (net, security, python)
>    A powerful packet manipulation tool
> scapy @2.0.1 (net, security, python)
>    A powerful packet manipulation tool
> So rather than making a py27-scapy it looks like I should make a py-scapy that replaces scapy and incorporates py26-scapy
> Does that seem to be the most sensible path?

When we discussed this topic last time, there seemed to be a feeling that there should only ever have been a single scapy port called scapy:

It can offer variants for selecting which python version to use if that capability is desired.

The other option was to have the versioned ports as you suggest, if it is likely that we will soon want to use scapy as a framework for other python ports.

> As for replacing the pcap python library
> $ port search libpcap
> libpcap @1.1.1 (net)
>    Packet Capture library
> py-pcapy @0.10.5 (python, net)
>    python interface to libpcap
> py-pylibpcap @0.6.2 (python, net)
>    Python module for the libpcap packet capture library
> py25-pcapy @0.10.5 (python, net)
>    python interface to libpcap
> py25-pylibpcap @0.6.2 (python, net)
>    Python module for the libpcap packet capture library
> py26-pcapy @0.10.5 (python, net)
>    python interface to libpcap
> py26-pylibpcap @0.6.2 (python, net)
>    Python module for the libpcap packet capture library
> py27-pylibpcap @0.6.2 (python, net)
>    Python module for the libpcap packet capture library
> It seems like pcapy is an older version and that a new universal group for py-pylibpcap they uses the 0.6.2 build across all the python options should be the path forward.

Note that we're referring to the new python portgroup as the "unified" python portgroup (as opposed to the previous separate python24, python25, python26 etc portgroups). "universal" means something completely different and unrelated in MacPorts (and on OS X generally).

As far as I can tell, pcapy and pylibpcap are two separate projects that aren't related to one another, other than the fact that they're both interfaces to the libpcap library. There's also a third python module for accessing libpcap -- pypcap -- for which we don't seem to have a port. So, the py*-pcapy ports should be unified into a single py-pcapy port. And the py*-pylibpcap ports should be unified into a single py-pylibpcap port. And if desired a new unified py-pypcap port could be created for pypcap.

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