sha1 and rmd160

Joshua Root jmr at
Fri Apr 6 06:16:16 PDT 2012

On 2012-4-6 23:09 , M. Daniel Becque wrote:
> Arno,
> The proftpd repository has an md5 file along with the binary. Does that
> mean i must use md5 or can I, as you suggest, upgrade to the rmd160 and
> sha256 hashes by generating them using openssl like below? Once I have
> those hashes I could then just include them in the port as checksums
> rather than the md5, sha1, and rmd160. 
> openssl sha256 path/to/file
> openssl rmd160 path/to/file

It's fine to use whatever upstream provides, just try to use more than
one hash type, especially if one of them is md5. It's not a bad idea to
be a little paranoid and get the upstream-provided values over SSL if
possible, and/or verify any PGP signature for the file(s) before
generating the hashes locally.

- Josh

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