PortGroups / New to Port File Development, Sorry!

Ben Smith ben at wbpsystems.com
Tue Aug 28 10:05:40 PDT 2012

Thanks for all of your help.  I've taken all of the suggestions of the
various people into account.  However, unless I'm misunderstanding
something, I have to do my own linking.

It has been suggested in the trac ticket to add:


and switch over to:

PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           python 1.0
python.version      27

Instead of

python.link_binaries no

post-destroot {
foreach x [glob -type {x} ${destroot}${python.prefix}/bin/*] { system
"ln $x ${destroot}${prefix}/bin" }

But without doing the link myself, it doesn't appear to create the
link.  I'm assuming that this is a common issue because the manual
method I want to use is exactly what GoogleCL is using.

I've made all of the other changes people have suggested, but I
obviously don't want to change something that works to something that
doesn't work.

Thanks, and please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.

Ben Smith
Founder / CSA

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 3:02 AM, Joshua Root <jmr at macports.org> wrote:
> On 2012-8-28 11:38 , Ben Smith wrote:
>> PortGroup           python27 1.0
> The version-specific python portgroups (python26, python27, etc.) should
> be considered deprecated. We'd really like to switch everything to use
> the unified python portgroup like so:
> PortGroup           python 1.0
> You'll get the same behaviour for your app as with the python27 group if
> you do:
> python.version      27
> - Josh

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